
It was pretty funny seeing them at Adventureland. When I was a kid, I had a birthday party there. I have no idea where someone would perform live there, it looked like they set up a little stage or something. I wish I knew they were filming there, I would have gone to watch! The movie Adventureland was based on the same theme park, but didn't take place there/wasn't filmed there, unfortunately.

They also filmed the concert scene at the Coliseum which I've been to a number of times. Again, I wish I knew when it was happening - to watch Hugh Grant sing live? That's a once in a lifetime opportunity lol.

Anybody have any stories of movies/shows being filmed near their home? One scene in the movie Pieces of April was filmed by the local Walmart. Kinda freaky seeing it on film. That Krispy Kreme has since closed (thank God!). The show Royal Pains films out east, nowhere by me though. Some movie filmed by the jail when my mom was a kid. Apparently it was a big deal at the time. A car hooked up to a trailer thing with cameras drove past me once. I have no idea if I appear standing on a corner in some random movie!

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!
