MovieChat Forums > The Tudors (2007) Discussion > S03E07 whats wrong with the German wife

S03E07 whats wrong with the German wife

She looks alright to me, maybe not as nice as 2nd or 3rd wife but not ugly imo.



I'm assuming you responded to the wrong thread either that or English is not your first language. Obviously the show is about Henry I'm not retarded but enlighten me, how does that answer my question about what was wrong with the german wife Anne.

Did others see something I didn't, what was so repulsive about her? the actress was good looking imo.


what was wrong with her in the TV show was that Henry VIII didn't like Anne of Cleves in person in real life.

if this is all new to you, and you are watching and thinking you will learn something about English history, be aware that the scriptwriters' level of factual content ebbs and flows.


I get he didn't like her that was made clear what I was asking is why?
If she was supposed to be ugly then it was awful casting as the actress was attractive. Was Henry just upset as he's a control freak and felt like he had been forced into the marriage or was it because he thought she was boring or was it something else.


Google:why did Henry viii reject Anne of Cleves


This is too funny!

Joss Stone is obviously gorgeous. I've got a bit of a crush. 

But here's some info that is actually helpful! Michael Hirst originally wanted Joss to play the role of Jane Seymour. At the time , Joss was touring to promote her new album ,so unfortunately she was unable to commit to that role. Hirst kept her in mind for the role of Anne of Cleves. Luckily she was able to devote time to play her. I thought she was great

In the minds of most network executives, and most of them being men, we need our television and movie characters to be good-looking. It sort of goes hand in hand with the whole sex = ratings thing. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is.

That being said, i hope you enjoyed the series overall. Everything was beautiful. Even the so-called plain and unattractive wives.


She didn't appeal to his aesthetic tastes, plus the painter who did her portrait wasn't honest in his depiction. It was unfortunate for him because German princesses and queens were known for producing plenty children. Henry would have had many children had he been more receptive towards her.


i think this is doubtful. Henry was not good at fathering children - he managed to produce only three legitimate living children, and only one acknowledged bastard, henry Fitzroy.


Actually , Henry VIII might have father more kids, but he only acknowledged one bastard. Henry Fitzroy. But it has been said that he might have father other bastards, but since they were girls he didn't acknowledge them.

Kades! [/love]




errant spell-checker?



I don't think she was that ugly - accounts of her looks have been exaggerated. the problem was that Henry had already fallen of katherine Howard, and also he liked women to be well educated and be able to play music, dance, etc, and anne couldn't do tjose things. she had had a rather dull upbringing.


Ann of Cleves was fat and well fed with a sagging bust and a large belly. She spoke little to no English, had facial scarring from small pox and was not trained in the courtly arts or sex.

However, she proved to be a good woman.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


But in the script, Henry says that she looks like a Horse. That is a big difference from not being pleasing to his aesthetics. It is insane to me that he executes the wives he is the most hot for yet rewards Anne of Cleves with 3 properties.


And it's amazing to me that you could have actually watched this series and somehow missed the context of why felt the need to behead two of his other wives, yet "reward" Anne of Cleves with properties.

Try watching the show with your eyes open next time.

Wearing my 'fro as high as it will go


Putting physical attraction aside, the show made the point that the marriage lost its political importance before the ceremony even took place. Cromwell's secret reason for the marriage was to strengthen Protestantism in England, but the given reason was to have a great alliance against the combined forces of France and Spain. But France and Spain soon fell out, and such an alliance with Germany was no longer necessary.


IRL Henry probably had a variety of reason for not liking Anne. She was not tiny like his previous wives and she had no admirable traits like hunting, painting, dancing etc. Henry only had 1 political marriage (his first wife) and it i-a believed that even then he had romantic feelings for her. Anne was nothing but a political marriage and it could be argued it was forced on him. How Anne looked? We'll the Holbein picture might have been exxagerated but there is another picture of her where she still looks above average. Apparently even her contemporaries still found her attractive if not beautiful.

on the show Anne was the last choice, he wanted Christina od Milan and Mary de Guise but they all said no so he had to have Anne. He clearly built her up based on that picture and no reality could compare with his idea of her. In addition I feel her style turned him off as well. remember in S4 or 5 he all of a sudden finds her appealing.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


Actually, Catherine of Aragon was not a political marriage for Henry. He married her because he loved her.

Part of the reason he may have found Anne "ugly" is that when they first met, he was disguised and tried to kiss her. She rejected him with disgust, not knowing it was him. His ego was bruised, so he declared her "ugly".

