Catherine Parr

Such a disappointing story arc. JRM had chemistry with literally every other female on this wonderful show except for Joely Richardson. That's not saying she isn't a beautiful and talented actress, but I felt NOTHING for these 2 together. They are just so... Meh. Bland and I don't know.. Just vanilla. They took so many liberties with historical facts, I wish they would've done something (anything) else to spice things up a bit for Henry's last wife.. to make me even believe that King Henry wanted to marry a woman he played cards with once. There was no build up, nothing exciting. Maybe I just don't understand why they married. Neither seemed into it, both very passive. They were just very brother and sisterly. Was there even a scene where they made love? Wait... Did they even consummate their marriage in real life? One minute he's talking to Brandon about remarrying and having more children, the next scene is some messenger he sends to tell her he wants to marry her (How romantic)

Ok sorry... rant over. Was just wondering how everyone else feels about the Catherine Parr storyline? I love talking about this show. I've just never bothered commenting about her. Figured I would now though. Thanks in advance to any replies :)


Joely was way too old for the part, just like Maria Doyle Kennedy. (KoA was 7 years older than Henry.) Having her be about the right age (wasn't she about 30?) would have helped with the chemistry. :P

Did you notice only the 'slutty' wives (Anne, and Katheryn Howard) get sex / nude scenes with Henry? Michael Hurst is exploiting the 'sexy wives.' Katharine gets no sex scene... Jane gets no sex scene... Catherine Parr gets no sex scene. Meanwhile, Anne gets a bunch of explicit scenes, and Katheryn Howard spends most of the season naked.

IRL, Henry was a huge bloated festering man by the time he married Catherine Parr, so it's semi-unlikely they ever consummated the marriage.


So you wanted to see him huffing and puffing an straining and failing while she grimaced in disgust and repulsion? You do have unusual tastes insex scenes.


No. Where did I imply that?

I made a statement: interesting, how Michael Hurst uses the "slutty" wives (the reputations, which are not earned, btw, in history) as excuses to sex up the plot.


I take it you're an American who's obsessed with all things related to England. Most people in England are not obsessed with their country's history or culture. Anglophiles tend to exist in America.


I agree. It was sort of sad the way she was portrayed, as she was without a doubt an extraordinary woman who was ahead of her time. And it is my belief that she was responsible for Elizabeth becoming a good queen. It's possible Michael Hirst was afraid that Catherine would outshine Henry so he held back a bit and, at the same time, wrote Henry to be more mellow in his old age and not the same old horndog. But there is affection there if you look for it.

As far as their sex life, it seems Henry was impotent by this point in his life. Catherine probably didn't mind this one bit. lol She had Thomas Seymour waiting in the wings. Henry had a good run, though. Along with his health problems, I think Catherine Howard wore him out!

Have you read any of Philippa Gregory's Tudor Court series? The Taming of the Queen is an interesting look at what her life may have been like during her marriage to Henry.


Henry's marriage to Catherine Parr was not one of love and affection. At that point in his life he was looking for a mature companion who could be motherly to his children and someone to play nurse for him.




Yeah, basically that's what she to him,was a nurse. She apparently was very engaging in conversation that it took his focus off whatever pain he was in. She was just a good companion. It was a shame that after he died she really didn't get much time to enjoy finally marrying who she wanted and having a child. Though I imagine she wouldn't have had much happiness if she lived longer.


True. Her husband was secretly in love with Lady Elizabeth.


Yeah, I just assumed the "dull" chemistry was intentional because that's what the marriage. Each wife was a reaction to the previous wife. He just wanted a more mature companion at that point rather than going after another doomed passionate conquest


Yeah, if she lived longer she may have found herself in the tower or under house arrest all thanks to her husband.


Well, Henry did have that opportunity. And he lashed out at the accuser instead.


I was alluding to her last husbands trouble that would put her in a position were the king can save her. However, I would imagine her fate would be similar or maybe less restricted for being a Queen, Francis Brandon were she is kept close to avoid anymore treason wheaten she was involved or not.


Clearly you know nothing of the actual HISTORY of Catherine Parr and Henry VIII. Clearly.

Wearing my 'fro as high as it will go
