Cromwell's Execution

Cromwell's death was the hardest to watch. You could see how petrified he was, crying and the fact he was set up.



For me, it was actually Bishop Fisher's death that got to me most.

I felt bad for Cromwell -- really, really bad, and worse, he has the botched, horrific execution.

But something about the music, and the actor's powerful performance, meant Fisher's death scene is always a sucker-punch to the gut. I don't know why.


But something about the music, and the actor's powerful performance, meant Fisher's death scene is always a sucker-punch to the gut. I don't know why.
For me it was his humbleness and telling the crowd that he needed their help to get through it.


One eyewitness account described it as a terrible sight to endure. Not in those words but one could understand the intent behind the statement. He was falsely imprisoned and sentenced to death. The main reason for his execution was a lack of finesse in finding an appropriate bridge for Henry VII to sire more children with. He wanted more sons and Thomas Cromwell did not deliver a bride with characteristics he would find appealing.


Well tbh,a lot of them were set up:

Cardinal Wosley
Anne Boleyn and her lovers
The Northern Rebels


Except for the rebels, all of those were on both sides of the intrigue table.
