MovieChat Forums > The Tudors (2007) Discussion > Bizarre casting choices

Bizarre casting choices

Besides the casting of a young man to play Henry VIII into his fifties without age makeup or padding, what's with the choices for the women in this series? Why cast a very attractive woman and have her described as looking "like a horse"? Why have a character (Catherine Howard) who is supposed to be sexually irresistible played by an actress who isn't especially pretty, as actresses go, and is far from sexy (the best thing you can say about her breasts is that she has two of them, side by side)?

And regarding the men, who's that bozo in season 4 who talks like he's holding a cocktail wienie in his mouth and keeps glancing toward the camera? I can't watch him.


I kinda agree on the part about Henry in his fifties being played by a fit actor in his thirties.

As for Anne of Cleves/Joss Stone, if you take a look at the Holbein portrait of the real Anne, she was actually pretty and although there probably was artistic liberty playing into that portrait, I always took the casting of this role as showing that she was only unattractive to Henry. Real life Henry didn't like her from the start after she didn't get his little 'I'll just walk in there in disguise and she'll know it's me and it'll be all romantic'-play and hurt his ego.
As for Catherine Howard/Tamzin Merchant, she wasn't supposed to be a bombshell. The real Catherine wasn't one either. Henry fell for the ingenue he saw her as, calling her the rose without a thorn and all that. I think Tamzin looks the teen bride part.

The bozo, I guess, is the Earl of Surrey? He does have a tendency to look funny when saying his lines, but I'm no native English speaker, so I can't say much about the accuracy of his manner of speaking.


I agree re all but the one guy with the funny voice - don't remember him!

I even checked the credits for who played the teeny-bopper queen. Can't find note of any family ties online, but her surname of "Merchant" made me suspicious about her having landed the role. And I was SO looking forward to this "chapter!" Could have been a lot of fun.

As I recall, it wasn't just Henry who found Anne of Cleve's less than "comely." Other men struggled to conceal winces upon seeing her, as I recall.

I think it was probably a good idea to have made Henry look as young and relatively fit in his later years as they did - fictitious though this was. I, for one, may otherwise have lost interest. But I agree, as I said, that his appearance certainly flies in the face of history!


Why would you have lost interest? Do you need eye candy on screen to hold your interest? I find that baffling.


No, as I actually found my eye candy in Brandon. I failed to write my post well.

The issue is that I don't like change, at least of a certain kind. It was bad enough when they made Henry's voice suddenly so raspy. Things like that make me sadly nostalgic for what once was.


I was wondering the same thing. Some of the casting choices are very distracting. I hated Catherine Howard. The actress is extremely ugly. I don't think I've ever been as bothered by the casting choices as I have been on this show.


I think Tamzin was chosen to play Catherine because she looks very young. She is very petite and sprightly with huge innocent eyes and a large forehead, making her look extremely youthful. The real Catherine was approximately 18 when she was executed.

I think they did it to mark the age difference between Catherine and Henry, and it kind of works considering Jonathan Rhys Meyers was only in his 30s. They had to make her look as young and innocent as possible without going into creepy territory. :D

I kinda like her look to be honest, although I can see why people would find her unattractive


Why cast a very attractive woman and have her described as looking "like a horse"?

That may have some support in history. Anne of Cleves was supposedly relatively attractive (she considered herself more attractive than Kathryn Parr). Katherine Howard was small and lively and bubbly, not necessarily conventionally pretty. Sexual attraction sometimes doesn't make outward sense.

I don't know who the cocktail wienie guy is.

I'll mourn him to my very marrow. The pity is he will never know how much I will grieve.


Cocktail weenie--do you mean Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey? That casting bothered me too. An Irishman, complete with Irish accent? WTF! Not to mention Howard was one of the founding fathers of English Renaissance poetry, and he comes off like a dumb ass. I know the Earl was historically a hell raiser, but they surely could have put that across without making him seem like an idiotic jock.


Cocktail weenie--do you mean Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey? That casting bothered me too. An Irishman, complete with Irish accent?

No...a Scotsman, complete with Scottish accent.

Was a strange one though.

Lots of planets have a Scotland...


Does anyone know if Henry actually later visited, and slept with, her? Perhaps this was merely a plot device to make him look "wiser in his old(er) age."


While I understand some of the frustration some people feel over the casting choices, I also kind of feel like we're splitting hairs.

There are (obviously) no photos of any of the historical people that are being depicted in this show. Yes there are portraits and written accounts of what these people looked like but demanding that the casting people find actors and actresses in the 21st century who look 99.9% like people who existed over 400 years ago is asking a little much. It's cool if you disagree with an actor that was chosen to play a certain character, but since we don't have 100% perfect records of how these people looked, everyone comes up with a different mental image.

Plus not all the actors are exact age/height/weight/nationality of the people they are portraying, and I don't think that's a completely bad thing.

As far as how they dealt with Henry VIII going through the aging process. . . .keep in mind that this show is trying to depict roughly 30-40 years of history in roughly less than 40 episodes. Everything has been sped up; one episode will often include events that happened over the course of a year. Maybe it was too expensive to go through all the necessary trouble to show Henry go from an active young man to an overweight old man.

There's actually A LOT of details about this show that the makers took liberties with (accents, the use of certain languages, speech patterns, costumes, even the time and place when certain things actually happened in history) but I think splitting hairs over that stuff makes you miss the bigger picture.

Try not to sweat the small stuff.


Oh god I hated Surrey, his voice was like murder to my ears. I also feel Catherine Howard was less than attractive, Henry wanting her was ok but why did they make it that every other young guy at court did as well. Hell if I was a young guy I would be eying Princess Mary or Joan or the other Lady's in Waiting. I understand that attractiveness and being sexy are not the same thing, but Catherine had neither.
As for Anne of Cleves casting a pretty actress was done on purpose and I am happy the show runners didn't do what some other productions have done and cast an ugly actress and make her even more ugly. There are w portraits of Anne and in both she looks pretty. I believe no one else stated she was ugly or looked like a horse, only Henry. It is a mystery what Henry really found repulsive about Anne of Cleves.

Brian Kinney & Justin Taylor


Oh god I hated Surrey, his voice was like murder to my ears.
OMG..I loathed him too, and I remember when the show was running how many people loved him. Could never take to him myself.

But I must say that Tamzin Merchant, whom I thought played such a stupid twit as Catherine Howard in the beginning, had me crying at the end of her "reign". I thought she played the part very well.

Also loved Josh Stone as "Anne of Cleves". She was just adorable. I loved the fact how repulsed she was with Henry and his smelly, pus filled leg.

Remember us, for we too have lived, loved and laughed


Casting Henry as a thin, muscular man when he was quite rotund as seen in portraits is no small thing. I also picture him feasting with a turkey leg instead of eating fruit.


I agree completely about them not aging Henry when he was older, he was supposed to be quite heavy and smelled bad because of his infected leg. He also had gout because of his diet.

Some of the things I read about Anne Cleaves, was that Henry preferred more petite women, and Anne was larger and more curvy, which was actually considered more attractive in that day, but Henry liked them smaller. But he did make her his "sister" and they became friends and she lived the longest of all his wives and even died with her head still attached lol.

I didn't like the Catherine Howard casting, there was something more creepy than light about her. I think Anne Boleyn was perfect casting, as well as Catherine of Aragon, Katherine Parr wasn't on long enough to really make much of an impression.


The casting for Henry sister's "Princess Margaret" aka Princess Mary was bad too. She wasn't on for many episodes and I believe the actress they cast was in her 40s. They should have cast someone in their early 20s.

I personally think both of the Jane Seymours were too pretty.

They should have cast someone around 35 for Catherine Parr.


The funny thing is, Anne Boleyn and Catherine of Aragon don't look right either. Catherine, because of her English ancestry (she was the great granddaughter of Catherine of Lancaster, daughter of John of Gaunt) by all accounts looked very English, she had strawberry blond or auburn hair, blue eyes and fair milky skin, a far cry from Maria Doyle Kennedy. Here's a link with some nice pictures of Catherine
Anne, on the other hand, was reported to not be particularly beautiful, it was she and not Catherine who had the dark hair and eyes and olive skin. What Anne had was charisma and sex appeal. Traits Natalie Dormer also posses but I doubt that the real Anne was half as striking physically. Here's a great write up about Anne's appearance yn-myth-buster-1/
While people have come close with Anne casting, they usually manage to cast her with dark hair and eyes, though the actress is usually the most physically attractive woman in the cast, I have never yet seen a production that has cast a Catherine that has the correct hair and eye color. I would actually love to see a show where these two women were cast with people who looked more like the people they are portraying, with Anne not being beautiful but having some sort of sex appeal people can't put their finger on and a Catherine with her English good looks, a woman who was clearly stunning in her youth but who's looks have been diminished by constant pregnancy.

Freedom of religion means ALL religions not just your own.


KOA was portrayed as looking white in both The 6 Wives of Henry VIII and Henry VIII and his 6 Wives, those are the only 2 I have seen that portray her as having non Spanish characteristics.
I at least give The Tudors credit for giving Katharine of Aragon blue eyes.

Superman & Wonder Woman


The Spanish series Isabel portrayed Katherine of Aragon in the historically correct way. English subs exist.


True, and thank goodness for that. To have a Spanish show portray such a well known Spanish figure the wrong way would be unforgivable. It is one thing to take licenses in the form of beards and so on -something which Isabel has done-, but hair/eyes colors should at least be accurate, imo. Fortunately, this series has actually tried to remain faithful to History.
