MovieChat Forums > The Tudors (2007) Discussion > If you loved this show you should watch....

If you loved this show you should watch...

... the Spanish series Isabel. It tells the story of queen Isabel of Castille, mother of Catherine of Aragon and arguably the most important figure in the History of Spain. I'd recommend this series to any History lover, even though it isn't 100% accurate -nor it intends to be. The historical period approached is extremely eventful; as a viewer I found it fascinating to learn about each character's motivations and the countless political intrigues that surrounded the royals at the time.

Should anyone wish to watch online with English subtitles, here's the link:


Thanks. Maybe I'll check it out.


No problem. I think you'd very much enjoy it. The late 15th century is a really complex, exciting era to learn about, I love how the series portrays the international politics in medieval times. Despite occasional licences for drama purposes, the show is fairly faithful to historical events. And the soundtrack is simply wonderful; I listen to it all the time.

You may get an overviwew of the series watching this preview clip from one of the first episodes (nothing too spoiler-y, otherwise I wouldn't share it):

There's even a quick glimpse of Katherine and Henry in season 3.


Hulu also has it.

I've only seen three episodes so far, but I'm enjoying them. The same network has followed up with "Carlos Rey Emperador," or "Charles the Emperor," which features Henry VIII and Katharine of Aragon as well -- but it has yet to be subtitled and offered to English-speaking audiences.


I didn't mention Hulu because I wasn't sure they already had the three seasons. Good to know they do.

Glad you're enjoying Isabel! I'm revisiting the series on DVD, currently watching season 3. As I haven't watched The Tudors, I'm curious. What are the main similarities/contrasts you find between the two? Besides the obvious fact that they are period dramas that focus on the life of a sovereign -which isn't a coincidence. After all, Isabel was created as a result of The Tudors' success.

As for "Carlos Rey Emperador" it airs every Monday night, but I haven't watched properly so far; only parts of episodes. But I got to see Katherine of Aragon there as well. Not Henry VIII, though. Is he faithfully portrayed? I assume DramaFever will make it available with English subtitles once the first season has been aired here.


Sounds interesting. Does it have English subtitles?


Yes, both DramaFever and Hulu have the series with English subtitles. I read that Hulu has a 10-second rewind feature that allows you to go back and see what you missed (which might prove useful; we Spaniards talk fast many times).

Here's the link:


I don't know as much about Isabel and Ferdinand as I do about the Tudors, but the feeling between the two shows is similar - a little soapy and personal, which is understandable since we don't have the principal's actual words. I do know that there were verbatim historical bits in the Tudors, but of course I don't know that that is true regarding Isabel. I'm afraid they may have made more of the romance between Isabel and Ferdinand for the show, but, again, I don't have anything to base that feeling on. I do know that Isabel was chaste and considered Ferdinand her soul-mate.

I haven't watched the third season yet, so I'm curious if it deals with Ferdinand and Henry VII's war of wills over Catherine of Aragon. I can't imagine Ferdinand coming out well on that.

Of all sad words of mouth or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been. - J G Whittier


I'd assume that similitude. As you say, it's understandable. As for the verbatim historical bits, I am aware of at least one in Isabel (season 2), but don't know if there are any more. With regard to the love between Isabel and Fernando, I still haven't read about them myself. However, I've heard that according to the letters that have come to us, they did seem to genuinely love each other. So I won't blame the writers for portraying a true romance between them.

I just finished revisiting the series - last night I watched the last episode, I very much enjoyed it. The third season was extremely interesting in my opinion, and it does deal a bit with Fernando and Henry VII's conflict. I have read both of them were known to be miserly men.


I recently found this quite professional fan made Isabel intro, inspired in The Tudors' one. Comes to point out the latter's influence on the former. Take it as a tribute, or however you may. I think it's beautifully made.



I love that series. Is the third season available?

ETA: Nevermind...yay, I got it!

Of all sad words of mouth or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been. - J G Whittier


What series please?


I assume she's talking about Isabel, as we were discussing the similitudes between that series and The Tudors.



Elizabeth R with Glenda Jackson. In a way is a sequel to The Tudors as it starts in the aftermath of Henry's death.

Lady Jane The Nine Day Queen. Grand-niece of Henry and granddaughter of his best friend Charles Brandon. Worth it just to see a 20-year-old Helena Bonham Carter.

The Shadow of the Tower "Prequel" in that it is about Henry's father Henry VII

I'm sure that The Six Wives of Henry VIII with Keith Michell had already been mentioned many times.


i would recommend three excellent series produced by the BBC in the 70s - Six Wives of henry VIII, Elizabeth R, and The Shadow of the Tower (Henry VII).


Out of curiosity, has anyone watched both shows so far? I've been searching for opinions on them as historical dramas. I've gathered from what I've read that The Tudors is more historically inaccurate and focus more on love interests, whereas Isabel gives more prominence to politics and emotions as a whole - not strictly romantic.

Here are two articles about Isabel written by fans of The Tudors that I found helfpul:

However, I'm interested in further opinions, if there are any.


I found this other article that compares both shows. Leaving the comparison aside (for I haven't watched The Tudors properly), I very much agree with this review.


I agree on Isabel actually its the most similar the show to the Tudors. Plots, scandal, romance, gealousy and a king going mad at the end.

Though there are some differences.

1 Henry in the Isabel series was at first a good hearted king till Pacheco's influence got the worst from him, he truly drove him mad but at first he appreciated loyalty, Justice and cared for his people while Henry VIII was just a time bomb and the knee injury just made everything worse but he was spoiled and short temper right from the beginning.

2 Pacheco was 200 times much more manipulative and skillful than Wolsey. Actually the Spanish Court was much more scary than the British one, there was no place for the good people there it was a much darker place to be in.
The British one looked more peaceful at times.

3 Isabel was much more balanced than Anne Boleyn much more collected, both very smart and strong woman but Isabel never lost control while Anne well she had a big fall

Anne Vs Catherine and Isabel vs The Queen: in The Tudors Anne is the one who mistreats the queen and always sees her as a threat so she gets that hate towards Mary while Isabel understands the Princess has no blame in the way the queen behaves. She understands much better the difference between right and wrong.

In The Tudors there is a more clear Villain Anne while in Isabel things are much more even, there are times we like the queen and feel sorry for her and other times we hate her.

The hostility and rivalry is much more open in Isabel I mean we are talking on plots to dethron the king and place a new one, the competition is as harsh as in Game of thrones, in The Tudors its much more about backstabbing and putting the king against someone specifically. The falls were slower in the Tudors but one thing was true no one dared to take off the king or kidnapping him Pacheco and his alllies would have been excectued after the kidnapping wih Henry VIII.

The spaniards were much more practical in un accepted marriages by the church, Henry Spent months trying to Annule his marriage to Katherine to marry Anne. Isabel's crew just did everything undercover and looked for a fake permission.
Now with Isabel ive just advanced until the wedding of Isabel and Fernando so i need to see how he behaves as a king and husband but lets hope he won't turn all his love and admiration into hate.

I much prefer The actor who plays Fernando as the charming and sexy prince over Jonathan Rhys Meyers. He has a much better screen prescence and much sexier than Jonathan.

And now there is one character which at the end will link the shows: Catherine of Aragon Isabel and Fernando's daughter who latter became Henry VIII first wife.
What a sad story if Isabel would have known her daughter's marriage would have ended in such a tragedy she would have never allowed her to marrry Henry but wasn't she first committed towards his brother i wonder if things would have been better if the other Tudor lived and stayed with him.


That was one insightful analysis, thank you! I very much enjoyed your parallelisms. Although you might want to tag the differences between both shows as spoilers for the sake of the people who haven't watched Isabel. :)

It makes sense that this series is the one that resembles The Tudors the most, considering it was created as a result of the latter's success. Out of curiosity, how come you decided to start watching Isabel?

Without giving anything away, I'll say I agree most characters in Isabel aren't plain good or evil. There are many complex figures like the queen as you say, who sometimes behaves in a really hateful way and other times is vulnerable and tender.

I also agree about Fernando vs Henry. I never found Jonathan Rhys Meyers attractive myself, whereas Rodolfo Sancho I find extremely appealing and, well, charming, as you say. His eyes are particularly expressive and beautiful, imo.

The link between the shows is indeed Catherine of Aragon. I agree about Isabel not having allowed Catherine's departure for England had she known the sad destiny her daughter would have to face. It's hard to imagine things having been worse for her if Arthur had not died.


Thanks im glad you liked the comparisons and i will tag them as Spoilers, didn't realise were spoilers till you pointed them out.

I found out about the series because of a show i watch in Mexico the recomended this series and i tried on the internet first and didn't like it much at that time because I missed the British English I couldn't get used to watching a period piece in Spanish.
Latter i watched Reign and checking that Board someone there suggested me to watch Isabel so i decided to give it another chance and now i love it.

i found Rodolfo Sancho looking a bitt similar to Pierce Brosnan and im saying it as a compliment since Pierce is in my opinion the sexiest actor of all time. Extremely good looking but at the same time manly. Nice bodies bit not perfectly sculpted like lets say Brad Pitt.

I'd say Rodolfo is the Spanish Pierce but with the difference he can pull pf the beard, as hot as I find Pierce i prefer him without the beard while Rodolfo looks better with it.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers gave a great performance and his mood swings were portaryed to perfection but he failed in the Romance department, even though his chemistry with Natalie Dormer was great, his romantic side looked fake like he was getting Anne into a trap.
He looks like a psychopath lol.

its incredible how Henry was everything Isabel hated in a man and avoided so many engagements for that reason and her daughetr ended married to him, maybe Arthur was better and her fate would have been much better if he would have lived.


Yes, it's been interesting to know your take on both shows. I was expecting to read another opinion (aside from the articles I've posted here) of a viewer who has watched these two historical pieces.

I hear English speakers aren't used to read subtitles (I am, as a Spanish speaker who loves watching fiction in the original filmed language). But I'd say Isabel is worth the effort even for those who aren't used to subtitles.

Hmm, I get what you mean about Rodolfo and Pierce. They are both quite handsome in the same manly way. Interesting how I usually don't like men with beards but I do like Rodolfo with beard. I like him even more without the beard, or with a few days shadow if you may. But I agree he can certainly pull it off.

Haha, Henry behaved like a psychopath? That doesn't say much for the character... But well, who knows how the real Henry was like. Your point about him being what Isabel hated in a man and avoided in her potential husband is quite interesting. I'd never seen it that way. That's an irony well spotted.


Well im a spanish speaker as well but my Spanish is from Mexico so the accent is quite difficult at times but i guess im so used to the British accent makes my experience with this show a bitt strange.

I loved both shows and well Isabel was a strong opinionated woman who hated being shut by a man and hatted how unfair the treatment woman received back then
Henry VIII was a very misogynistic man who never liked his wives to have an opinion, I didn't say he behaved like a psychopath. I just said Jonathan Rhys Meyers looked like one lol that's why I didn't believe him much in his romantic scenes but I wouldn't be surprised finding out he was a psycho.

About men with beards it depends, there are some who look better with them and some without them. For example Eric Bana looks much better with a beard so does Edward Norton. Never thought of him as attractive till i saw him in the illusionist.
Pierce i prefer him by much clean shaven or if the beard its important then scruffy like in after The sunset is fine but he looks way better without beard.

Brad Pitt is another one who i just don't like with the beard makes him look incredibly old.

So the beards depend on the specific actor in question.


I see. It's a matter of what your ear is used to hear, really.

Right, sorry, I misunderstood your statement about Henry. :) I wonder what will you think of this Catherine of Aragon, as opposed to Maria Doyle Kennedy's portrayal. I'll have to wait!


Is it me ir Isabel gets slower after She married Fernando?

I hate they have been fighting so mcuh after Isabel 2 is Born. I thought their first daughter would be Catherine the one who married Henry VIII.

Right now im at Isabel's reconciliation with Fernando after she knew he had a son with his mistress, the Pope is dead and Rodrigo Borgia has appeared but as a cardinal.

I prefer Iron's Rodrigo Borgia he has a much more comanding presence and more belivable as a strategist person, ehe is much more fun as the Pope Alexander VI than Just cardinal Rodrigo Borgia.


Slower? You mean the show's pace got slower?

Catherine was actually the youngest of their children, so you'll have to wait a while until you see her.

Haven't seen The Borgias, but I'm aware of Jeremy Irons' talent. As for this Rodrigo Borgia, he really disgusted me. I guess that was the intention of the showrunners. They focused more on his 'bon vivant' attitude than his political strategies, as you pointed out.

We might as well move this discussion to the Isabel board. :)


Yes the peace of the show got slower after Isabel their first daughter is born. so ughh Katherine was their last child that's horrible news i was partly excited for their marriage to see how spaniards see The Tudors.

I was eager to see like both diansties in one show and even though this Borgia is a little strange i was so excited to see Isabel de Castilla, Tudors and Borgias in just one show?

Will we see Henry VIII, Lucretzia Borgia and Katerina Soforza in Isabel?
The idea of having this court, The Borgias and Tudors all together in the same place looks like a dream show.


Henry VIII appears briefly in season 3. The other two do not play any part on this show.


Ok, I've advanced almost to the end of season 2 where Isabel turns against the Jewish people and approved the inquisition.

OMG this show has turned really dark to the point to need another break or maybe I'll finish season two and look for another series in the meantime just like I did at the end of season 1.

Between season 1 and two my mom asked for a break of too much darkness and we watched Reign and Velvet.
Now we came back to Isabel my mom felt again we need another break ( I've watched all my historical series with her:The Tudors, The Borgias, Reign, the first season of Game of thrones and now Isabel.

Now I'm looking for another break for season three but I'm afraid I'll watch the last season alone since she didn't like this season.

And personally I've started to dislike this queen. She has gone way too against Juana who is an innocent girl and Isabel is forcing her to be a nun.

Fernando is someone sometimes I love and other times hate him.

This show is the darkest period of all I've seen. The Tudors was pretty harsh as well but ended in a happy note where he got all his children into the succession line back again and reconciled with Elizabeth and Mary

The Borgias ended up quite dark but it was expected since the last season was quite rushed and you couldn't expect a happy ending for such a scandalous family but still it had its lighter moments.

Reign well that one is pretty tamed but that's because it's for CW and Game of thrones is almost as dark as Isabel but less affecting because you know its not a real story.

I'll tell you what I think of the whole series after I finish season 3 and maybe after this CHarles the emperor let's hope this one won't get as dark as Isabel.
The cover looks slightly more of a happy story.
