Great series so far.

I'm half way into season 1. Very good production values and acting.

But am I the only one annoyed by Henry's temper and obsession with Anne? I guess this might be historically accurate but seeing this perfect looking young man, King of England with the world at his fingertips almost squander it all over some girl... It can be painful to watch sometimes.

Anyway great series, hopefully the quality doesn't go down as we get further in the seasons.


To make it a bit more historically accurate, you'd have to have a much taller, fatter Henry pursuing a virtuous young woman who actually leaves court to get away from him. His persistent sexual harassment eventually accumulates in her giving him an ultimatum she may have hoped might dissuade his attentions -- not unless you make me the queen! Alas, he was planning that anyway and then Anne thought, "Well, if you're going to get rid of the queen anyway, it might as well be me."

She winds up married to her stalker, who then executes her. Romantic stuff, really.

The real Henry VIII was handsome when young, but always incredibly self-centered and delusional; long after he ceased to be the sexiest thing around, he thought he was -- and deserved everything he wanted.

So yes, it was pathetic.

What is tragic is that he murdered a great many innocent or even decent people along the way, including former friends, advisors, childhood teachers, and wives.
