MovieChat Forums > The Tudors (2007) Discussion > They should've simply called this show "...

They should've simply called this show "Henry"

I think that 'The Tudors' isn't a great title for this show, and that it should've been called 'Henry' instead.

1. When someone told me there was a show called 'The Tudors' my first thought was that it would be a sitcom about tutors (like math tutors). Or a weird pun involving 'tooters', so toilet humor.
2. There aren't many Tudors on the show besides Henry and maybe his daughter.
3. 'Henry' would be an interesting title. Even 'Henry VIII' might be acceptable, but I think just simply calling the show 'Henry' would make me want to find out more about the show.


Yeah, it's not really fair to call the series THE TUDORS and only highlight... one.

His father, Henry VII, was a fascinating, cunning, fiercely intelligent, paranoid king who ran an enormous spy network, but he never receives any attention on screen. :P


Henry's wives were also tudors by marriage, and the show is about them too, ao the title is a reasonable one.


Ever since The Tudors went off the air in 2010, people have been wanting a continuation of the series. It's highly doubtful it will ever happen, but never say never, right?

If you're interested in the beginnings of the Tudor dynasty you may want to check out the enjoyable historical fiction mini-series The White Queen and the upcoming The White Princess.


If you're interested in the beginnings of the Tudor dynasty you may want to check out the enjoyable historical fiction mini-series The White Queen and the upcoming The White Princess.

Emphasis on "fiction"!



That's...a massive amount of history to shift through. You'd basically have to recast everyone every season or mid season to cover a person's whole life. That would basically be 4 completely different shows crammed together only because characters were related.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.





It's far from impossible, though. I think it'd make for an excellent mini series. I mean, some people's lives have been covered in a 2 hour movie. An entire season of a tv show allows you to delve pretty deep into someone's biography.


I would to see a show about Henry's father.

