Man Stuck in Pipe

At the bit where chuck and larry go to rescue the man stuck in he pipe with his legs sticking out... They're having a fight and the man in the pipe occasionally speaks and I swear he sounds like someone from little nicky! Did anyone else notice this? Was the guy in the pipe in little nicky or was it intentional to include something from little nicky in the film? Or am I just imagining things?


Yeh his name is John Farley. If you look at the credits he is listed as "criminal" saying that only his voice was used. so thats gotta be the man in the pipe, and if you click on his name it shows he played the human dartboard in little nicky


The actual guy in the pipe is a young actor / stuntman named JIM FORD. Thats his body and tatoo!! but for whatever reason they used another man to do the voice in post. funny, maybe thats why


I just watched this movie again last night. When the guy's legs are sticking up from the pipe, and he's doing the voice over, his legs are framing the empire state building in the background. Its the first time I noticed that. You can't get a bigger phallic symbol than that!

I may not have a brain Gentlemen,....but I have an idea!
