MovieChat Forums > I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007) Discussion > Ok lets say they are going to hell...

Ok lets say they are going to hell...

Look Ive always had this problem with religious gay bashers that start hating on homosexuals and try to "convert" them back heterosexuality with saying they´re trying to save them from going to hell. Now lets say they are going to hell, why should they give damn? why should they care? its their lives! let them be!

sorry just had to let it out


I feel the same way- but I think somewhere in Christianity it says you have you help people get into heaven or something. Isn't that the point of missionaries?


Yeah some people just can't accept others for who they are and what they believe in... they are called missionaries. It's sad but these people go to help and give food and others thing only in exchange for your religion.



Everyone should read Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" and watch the documentary "Religulous" by Bill Maher.

By the way: There are actually OVER 3500 animal species with same-sex attractions. (For example the bisexual bonobo apes- and I believe in Charles Darwin's evolution theory!) It's nature. It's normal.

Make love, not war.


You atheists are hypocritical reading that as if it were a Bible. I can't even take atheists seriously. You actually believe evolution! LOL


nobody says don't be gay because you'll go to hell. God said don't act on your homosexual impulse for your own health. Vaginas clean themselves out. Butts are where poop come out. Somehow nobody wants to use logic. It harms people to follow all their impulses.


so lesbians are acceptable? not by the bible. it has nothing to do with butts, poop, and vaginas. it has to do with the fact that christians dont like to accept people while the whole time they preach acceptance. by the way. im a catholic christian.

Yes, I make spelling mistakes often as a result of using IMDB on mobile devices :)


I'm a Christian (and bisexual) and I actually understand what struggle67 is saying - I believe that IS the reason why God doesn't want us to just sleep around with everyone, because it's not good for us in some ways and many people regret it very much. BUT that doesn't only mean gay people of course...!! I think that you can be LGBT without fitting the stereotypes, and I believe it is fine to have loving relationships with special people if you are careful about how you treat them and how you treat yourself. For example, I've got gay male friends who don't do anal sex at all, they just do hand and blow jobs but they're still able to have gay relationships. I tried for many years to push away special women in my life, but ended up hurting them and myself very badly... I wouldn't want to make that mistake again!! Special people are special people, they don't come along every day and it would be foolish not to love and appreciate the special people in our lives whom we click with, whether they are the opposite sex or the same.


Unfortunately, people like Dawkins, Krauss, and Harris are no better than most religious fanatics; they represent another extreme and also promote ideology as a form of identity--never a good thing--while advocating an absolute truth that is equally and wholly unprovable.
Pretty much all of the (serious) scientific community finds these guys incredibly arrogant, annoying, and childish, me included. Preaching eupraxophies isn't a solution per se if one's goal is merely to controvert faith-based systems without providing a firm basis that allows others to reach their own conclusions. Bashing religions has little to do with promoting critical thinking skills...
Their methods create division, not understanding, and as such, they fuel the usual hatred, though now simply helping a shift towards a "godless religion" rather than non-theism, since most people jump on the atheist bandwagon (even the term has been distorted into a generic label that entirely confuses its original sense) due to hatred of religion, for whatever reasons, and not because they've developed a firmly-grounded personal philosophy based on a careful examination of the available data, logic and metaphysics, and plenty of reflection and introspection.
Oddly, most staunch atheists are scientific illiterates, so they're just accepting another explanation on faith; they sell evolution and science but barely understand it themselves and haven't got a clue that natural selection doesn't explain evolution adequately nor that the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis is now the dominant theory, and that this still doesn't account for speciation events... In the end, people are just as ignorant, and still willing to fight/belittle those who don't think like them. The result: atheists attacking the religious, verbally and physically; these incidents occurring more and more. That ain't no improvement.
All the smart folks I respect are agnostic (for the sake of labels). The focus should be on what's verifiable, period. Everything else is a pointless debate and anyone who claims otherwise is just a fool.


I thought the religious group outside the AIDS Coalition party were good for saying they're 'not preaching hate' - but then they went and ruined their image by calling the people names - Disgrace and F aggot are hardly helpful terms to use when trying not to preach hate...... lol


Heheh. Yeah, too many care more about belonging to a "club" and forgot to read the charter.
Religious or devout atheist, both equally bad in the same way and can't realize it. And all I hear is hate, hate, hate. From the so-called peace & guilt-lovin' folks or the alleged reasonable & rational, lotsa hate!
Atheism, now with spokespeople and groups and meetings and lectures and... What's up with that? That makes no sense whatsoever. So really, it's just an anti-religion club with a firm stance on an unknowable that specializes in bashing Judeo-Christian beliefs. Meanwhile, serious science proposes a creator of sorts as a possibility, we just can't imagine what it may be and it most probably isn't the religious model either...
Ever notice how atheists never discuss evolution, they discuss religion and why evolution proves religions are for idiots; they don't talk about quarks, they talk about religion and why quarks prove that religious folks are morons... They pat themselves on the back for thinking they're smart and pray that one day someone will obliterate all religions in the name of peace! Such a joke. And who cares about the psychological and sociological worth of religions and how all can co-exist? Religion isn't the problem, it's men and institutions.

So atheists preach to atheists and the religious to the religious; I've heard their spiel and it's all the same to me: propaganda that creates division and hate and breeds a newly-packaged ignorance: there's too much we can't know to limit oneself to any one possibility on faith and be sure that's the right answer... then fight over it. WTF!?
So Atheism, now a trendy anti-religion religion. To the point where, within the largest atheist organization in N.A., infighting over certain atheist beliefs sparked a major feud and a splinter group.
LOL. People can be so silly.

Anyhoot! 'Twas my rant. Good therapy. Cheers.
