MovieChat Forums > I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007) Discussion > Typical left anti-Christian pro-gay prop...

Typical left anti-Christian pro-gay propaganda. Garbage.

I'm neither of those two. It's no wonder no one goes to the movies anymore.


Inc Troll! Hit the decks!


Ummm no. It's my opinion about a crappy movie. Opinions about movies... ya know... a function of the message board.


Calling a movie "Typical left anti-Christion pro-gay propaganda. Garbage." just because the movie is about gay people implies you're just here to pick a fight. Which means you're trolling.

If you simply said this movie is garbage, then that'd just be you stating your opinion.


Can't we all just get along and agree that being gay or religious should be punishable by death?


Light a candle for the sinners, set the world on fire!


You CAN go to the extreme in either direction.

Question your prejudices.


Typical moronic, religious rhetoric. Christianity is a barbaric and ridiculous religion based on a supposed god incarnating himself into his own creations, to get himself killed by his own creations, because his own creations pissed him he could then be appeased and forgive his own creations for killing him. All the while he knows everything..yet didn't see this coming to light. Or he did, and he's just really bad at making a shred of sense at all.

How can you be pro-gay? I'm not gay but I don't care if anyone else is. How's that pro-gay? Why should anyone be anti-gay? Seems it's always the most bigotted idiots out their running on the most primitive of man-made delusions that find the most ridiculous things to single people out for.

*beep* all religion. It's nothing but poison for humanity.

I also love how it's always PEOPLE talking for invisible sky-daddies.


I think being athiest is more of a trendy, stylish thing nowdays than anything.

And if you believe in God you're considered ignorant or uneducated.

But I have problems believing evolution too, the idea the things went from disorder to order just because order is called does NOT make sense to me.

I mean the idea that things just evolved and "got better" just because it needs to survive does not make sense. The air conditioner on my car does not work, by evolution logic, as HOT as it's been that air conditioner should eventually adapt and evolve it's self to work, because cool air is much needed in my car in the summer, so over time and over MUCH hot weather, that air should start to come one.

My cassett plater on my radio is messed up, I use it a lot BUT it gets worse and worse not better and better, as much as I use it it seems it would get better and better with time.

It seems things wear out and go from good to bad, BUT in evolution things seem to go form bad to good, I don't get it.

Question your prejudices.


To toking65000, I don't consider you ignorant because you believe in God; it is your general lack of knowledge that demonstrates you are ignorant and uneducated. If your statements reflect your understanding of the theory of evolution, it's no wonder it doesn't make any sense to you because what you wrote IS nonsense. First, clearly evolution concerns LIVING beings, not inanimate objects; it concerns biology, not physics or chemistry, as both those latter sciences postulate that nothing about physical motions or elements evolve or change. Since you don't seem to understand this, you are just parading your ignorance. Further, evolution's notion of random mutation leading to changes in species is understood to occur over millions of years, not before your very eyes, simply because it would be convenient for your air conditioner or "cassett plater" [sic] to become better, not worse. One thing you are overlooking is that random mutation also results in worse outcomes (i.e., less viable species), but those are they ones who die out due to natural selection.

Another point you does not hold any water whatsoever: "the idea the things went from disorder to order just because order is called does NOT make sense to me." You seem to have omitted a word, but your point seems to be that there is no reason to assume life would go from disorder to order. But evolution does not say that; on the contrary, random mutation suggests disorder. The theory of theology, however, is built upon an equally unsatisfactory notion. Because there is a universe and life, there must be a creator and a superhuman being. There is no logic behind that and everyone knows it. We cannot KNOW how the universe came to be. Theology posits a superior being and creator, but there is no (repeat NO) empirical evidence to support it. It is only our theory. So how is evolution, for which there is plenty of evidence, albeit there are still plenty of holes in the theory, make less sense to you than religious doctrine. You can choose to believe it, but that is a matter of faith. If you are insisting that it makes more sense, than you are just kidding yourself, so that you do not have to make the hard leap of faith.


See, that annoys me when people post stuff like this. I'm sure there are many "typical right Christian anti-gay propaganda" movies. Why can't both sides make movies? Why is it, that someone with different views gets sooo upset that other people try to express their opinions and ideas in a movie or whatever medium they choose?

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In response to kay_cee_d, I think the reason is the same reason why this film is dubbed "propaganda", because the OP is asserting that the premise of the film is based on lies which the filmmakers are using to trick viewers into accepting their agenda. So the OP and others like him/her, believe that homosexuality is unnatural, abnormal, evil, etc., so that they see this film as a parcel of lies trying to trick the general public into viewing the gay lifestyle as normal and acceptable. If we all accepted the notion that everyone gets to have their own views and we will all accept and tolerate them, then the "gay agenda" would win, because then everyone would have to accept that some people view it as normal and natural. For this reason, it must be denounced, and no dissent may be permitted.


I'd consider this movie to be pro-gay, if it wasn't so homophobic and insulting to gays in the first place.

Garbage still stands, though.


Rhen, it is belittling to gays and portray the actual gay characters in it as quite laughable, but I think that's just the writers trying to be funny. It's supposed to be a comedy and a comedy often has ridiculous characters. I don't think it's meant to be insulting and I really don't think it's homophobic.


See, that annoys me when people post stuff like this. I'm sure there are many "typical right Christian anti-gay propaganda" movies. Why can't both sides make movies? Why is it, that someone with different views gets sooo upset that other people try to express their opinions and ideas in a movie or whatever medium they choose?

Word. People need to relax and stop being so hostile towards one-another. I consider myself Christian (though I'm not really into the whole organized religion aspect of it so much -- i.e. the people part) and I loved the movie. What people do in their personal lives is their own business, as long as they aren't actively harming others then I have no problem.


Captain-84, just go watch Birth of a Nation again. I'm sure that's something you will enjoy.


ironic that now people are here claiming this film is pro-gay, when it came out it was deemed offensive to gays.


Does everything need to have a bloody agenda? Me and my partner where laughing our heads off for 100 or so mins.

