This was a good gay rights movie.

Ignorant haters, take note. Have a heart, and support the gays.



Why don't presidents fight the war? -SOAD


I liked this movie. I thought there was an overall good message to it, but there are a few people on here who disagree apparently.


When gay marriages first became a reality, one of the first things I thought of was what would come up in this film; 2 straight roomates getting married for the marriage benefits.

But if you ever watched the show spin city, there was a good episode devoted to it; an openly gay character stages a wedding with a female co-worker to make a mockery of the system of how any 2 people could get married if they are not same sex but same sex couples can NOT.

It does give the characters a good arc, specifically the Adam Sandler character who clearly goes from homophobic at one point to pro gay rights at the end.

A lot of gay people hate it because it plays into gay stereotypes (ie. the David Spade character) but whether they want to admit or or not, the sterotypical flaming rainbow gays do exist. And the film does make a point of identified that not all gays are like that- the Ving Rhames character depicts another type of common homosexual; one who knows they are gay but is far too scared to admit it due to being a societal outcast (specifically in a profession such as fire fighting which is deemed to be a more manly profession and thus likely has a lower gay population).

There were some key gay rights scene; the courtroom scene was one. But also the scene with Kevin James right after he gets put on a different shift than Chuck reading the names on the petition and telling stories of all the great things chuck did for them but saying "I guess it doesnt matter since he's gay?"

