Chris Farely would've been better.

Is it just me, or would this movie have been a million times better had Chris Farley been here to take Kevin James' role? I mean Kevin James is a funny actor.....but this movie is nowhere near where it could've been with a Farely / Sandler duo. I have no doubt that he would have been casted first if he was still alive.





James was funny, but I agree he was somewhat restrained in the role, I do believe that Farley would've been awesome and hilarious in the role. I definetely think that Chris would've been cast if he was still alive. Farley/Sandler was just as great as Farley/Spade.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Loved Kevin! But Chris Farley would have been amazing in it too. Plus we would have gotten a small (very small but none-the-less existing) reunion with him and David Spade :(

"It does not say RSVP on the Statue of Liberty."


Although Chris Farley would have done good in the role, it would have changed the whole dynamic. In almost any good comedy duo, you have the funny man (Sandler) and the strait man (James). The strait man's role is to be the more serious, restrained half while the funny man is the more over the top and typical comic relief type.

They create these two roles so the two can play off each other and serve as contrasting roles. Think "Odd Couple," "Lethal Weapon," "Two and a half men" or even "Rush Hour" to name just four of the more really known movies/shows most people of all ages have watched at least once that have a strong funny man/strait man set. There are thousands more. Although the strait men in these shows were often just as funny (if not funnier) than their comic half, the movies/shows would not have been the same without the more serious and deadpan half of the duo.

If you have two funny men in the movie and no strait man, then the movie tends to be non-stop jokes with very little down time. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that and there are many very popular movies that take that role and get huge ratings as a result, but with the way this particular one was filmed, I think they wanted the more classic comedy/light drama aspect attached instead of just a laugh-fest.

I hope that makes sense.


Makes perfect sense to me and I was just about to make the same post. People have said the same thing about the Kevin James character in "Grown Ups" and the same principle applies. The character was written for a funny actor but not necessarily as a funny character, at least not as funny as Sandler's Character. He is supposed to be the responsible one and Farley just does not exude the aura of responsibility. While I'm sure Farley would have been his usual brilliant self I think the performance and the movies would have suffered because of it.
