MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > Amy Adams Wants to Continue as Lois Lane

Amy Adams Wants to Continue as Lois Lane

But doesn't believe it will happen.


No it's very unlikely. It's too simple for WB to just do a soft redux of Superman and keep Cavill. They're cowards.


Also Adams is getting too old to play Lois Lane and Cavill would be forty in a few years, it just wouldn't work with them long term, writers would want to keep the characters young.


Old? 40's the new 30. RDJ was 43 when he was picked as Iron Man.


Amy Adams was born in 1974 so she is in her mid forties, when an actor goes over 50 they're not hired much anymore. Cavill is nine years younger but isn't getting any younger.

A character like Superman is bigger than the actor.


Adams actually looked like she was in her 20s all the day through her 30s, but now she looks around her real age. Or at least, she looks her real age when photographed by the cinematographer for "BvsS" and "JL", who for some reason made everyone look gray and baggy-eyed. Even Superman!

But yeah, she'll probably be replaced by someone younger, along with Cavill. These franchise films are made several years apart, so if a studio has planned 10 or 15 years worth of franchise films, they'll want to hire someone who will still look hot in 10 years.


I agree that Amy Adams is too old for the part. I'm surprised they didn't get an actress who is in Henry Cavill's age group to play the character. Casting an actress who is 9 - 10 years older than the lead will only cause issues for future films. If they actually did a trilogy in the following years, Amy's age difference would have become more apparent. I think that most people would have found that distracting. Adams also didn't have much chemistry with Cavill, as his love interest.

Jena Malone would have been a good choice. She actually was in the director's cut of BvS. If not her than someone else who's not much younger or older than Cavill.


Of course she does, all movie actors want franchises these days! A franchise will keep their career going even if they have a flop or two.

That doesn't mean it will happen, if they hire a new Superman they'll also hire a younger Lois.


And she’s old too.


Meh. Id rather see Erica Durance in a movie as Lois.


A girl like Erica Durance.


She could still pull it off.


Having her in a movie that has nothing to do with Smallville would confuse people like "Why is she Lois Lane in a different universe?", "Why is Superman different?" otherwise you'll get some Never Say Never Again thing going on.


Maybe, Maybe not. Nicolas Cage played Ghost rider in two different universes with different casts and it did fine. Well as fine as it gets for a comic book movie of that time period, but yeah. If he could do it so could a Smallville character.

People wanted Rosenbaum to be the Lex in Batman vs Superman among other Super man movies for years without without the rest of the Smallville cast being included, and many of those same people loved Erica Durance as Lois Lane. I'm sure her playing Lois again would get positive reactions.


They'll call her back for a failed WB show.


She was badly miscast so good riddance to her.


Cause she's too sweet and cute.
