Oscar Guaranteed?

Think about it. You are ALMOST guaranteed an Oscar if you play a gay role or a biopic role. Add the two together - a gay biopic and you are most certainly going to win it.

This is a predictable trend at the Oscars.


The Academy Awards almost always favors minorities (gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, blacks, handicapped people) as well as history (biographies, wars, ship-sinkings).

Only a few comedies have won Best Picture. No horror movie has done so.


You don't consider Silence of The Lambs to be a horror movie? Its a thriller but its certainly scary.


Silence of the Lambs is a crime thriller / mystery, like No Country for Old Men. When I think horror, I never think Silence of the Lambs.

If there were ever a horror movie fit to win an Oscar, it was The Exorcist (which was nominated but didn't win it).


granted The Exorcist is brilliant. Can't say whether it deserved to win that is another story. But this is all in the eye of the beholder. I do consider Silence of The Lambs to have horror in it. There are some really terrifying moments. But No Country For Old Men is definitely more in the thriller genre, but it is definitely the second closest to a horror movie winning behind Silence. I wonder if a full on horror film will ever win. The Exorcist and Sixth Sense came the closest. Also Kathy Bates did win for Misery even though the film didn't but I find that movie scary as *beep* Don't know if I consider it pure horror, but horror films include thriller elements and thrillers include elements from horror films. So its kind of hard to peg down. Like I said its all in the eye of the beholder.


Actually, IMDb rates, some would say "pidgeon-holes" movies right at the very top of the movie's home page. The Exorcist is rated as "Horror" while The Silence of the Lambs is not.

"Sure I've heard of grits. I just never actually *seen* a grit before."
Vinny Gambini


The Sixth Sense wasn't a horror film either.


Maybe cause no horror deserved to win the Best Picture and only a few comedies did.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!



It's not prejudice against horror films, it's just that i don't think any horror film was the best film that year it came out.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Getting back to the OP's topic... When I first heard Macounehy was losing weight for a role as an AIDS patient, I said "That'll win an Oscar." Also when I watched the Academy Awards and saw previews for supporting actor, I picked the guy playing the tranny, having never heard of him or the movie. I watch Dallas Buyers Club last night and realized this is the movie I picked for both Oscar winners. Oscar doesn't care how good an actor is - only what they have to do for the role. I thought - if they added an accent, they would have been unbeatable for the Oscar. Needless to say, I have no respect for Oscar-winning performances.


Very true, the script for Oscars Buyers Club had been circulating Hollywood for years as a guaranteed win for the leading man. Leonardo DiCaprio is no doubt crying into his pillow at passing up an easy opportunity.
