MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Lamborghini Aventador in 1985?!

Lamborghini Aventador in 1985?!

Am I the only one whose brain CRASHED (no pun intended), when I saw a poster of a red Lamborghini Aventador behind Ron Woodroof?
The reason for what I refered to as "brain crash" is that no one noticed that, even if no one on the staff would know what a Lamborghini Aventador is it still looks way to modern, so then how did the people that created such a story, missed something like this?
Was a completely honest mistake, maybe, but it still catastrophically embarrassing.


... still catastrophically embarrassing.
Not for me. I didn't even notice.🐭


geez, take it easy. do you even know what catastrophic means? you should go see your doctor about that high blood pressure.


I noticed that too. Not that it would make any difference to this(overrated) movie. But I also thought that it should have been noticed latest in the editing process....c'mon practically every regular man would notice that....really. Being off for a few years might be ok...but in the 80's the Aventador looks like straight from future. That's what I think at least....

"Pizz on you and pizz on your law!"
- Rubber Duck (Convoy)-

  


I noticed it and was like, that's a nice picture of the Aventador! It didn't even cross my mind how contradictive it was to have one there.
