MovieChat Forums > Thor (2011) Discussion > I never thought I could like a "viking" ...

I never thought I could like a "viking" movie this much

Very entertaining, very well put together, great looking movie with top notch performances. Basically there is not one complaint I could say about Thor.
Worthy of the best of the MCU movies such as Age of Ultron, Winter Soldier or Iron Man.



I will watch that very soon. Curious.


Yep, they took a wrong turn with Dark World...



Well, Dark World was also trying to be funny, but it wasn't as clever with the humour as the first movie. Most of the jokes felt too forced. I don't know what we can expect from Taika Waititi (director for Ragnarok), we'll see.


A Viking movie? How is this a Viking movie? You do realise that asgard is not a real place? That this is a comic book movie? It doesn't really have much to do with Vikings except that it borrows from ancient Scandinavian cultural legends


You do realise I put the word "viking" in quotation marks, which means that I didn't use it in its literal meaning? Even though it is a comic book movie, which I am aware of, the costumes, the visuals, the imagery do remind the viewer of the ancient Scandinavia (as you yourself admitted it as well), which is normally a turn-off for me. But Thor was such an entertaining movie, that this time I didn't mind it whatsoever.


This isn't a Viking movie. This is a superhero movie. If Thor was in a Viking movie he'd have crazy ginger hair and an almighty beard. He wouldn't be some perfumed blonde beach bitch.


Don't bother. He likes to have "discussion" on these boards, which really means is that if you don't fully agree with him he'll call you immature and put you on ignore. 


he'll call you immature and put you on ignore.

Are poking fun at yourself without even realizing that? You always put people on ignore when they prove you to be wrong, dummy.
