MovieChat Forums > The Promotion (2008) Discussion > I know Steve would not read this but....

I know Steve would not read this but....

I only just watched this movie because of a psychology class I am taking. And oh my god, it was horrendous.

Was this supposed to be a comedy? I sat through the entire thing with my head in my palm and did not even crack a smile. It was so cheesy and prolonged, it was brutal.
Did I mention it was prolonged? The "cutting the cheese" scene was so painfully not funny that I'm beginning to think that was the only way it would amount to an hour and 25 minutes. That and other scenes, which took way too long. And why was weed and drug abuse brought into this? I saw no point in that whatsoever. Not to mention that annoying as fvck "Richard Wehlner" tape that he's always listening to. I know that the point of it was to be funny, but it wasn't funny. It was just annoying and painful to sit through. Maybe that's what Steve and the writers thought: trying to hard to be funny that it just turned out straight up awful, like forcing a conversation.
And what was with Richard's wife's accent?? Was THAT supposed to be funny? Her accent was so out-of-place and unnecessary (not to mention did not fit in the movie AT ALL) that it killed the movie even further. That "fight" between Richard and Doug was so corny that I wanted to stab myself in the foot. And the scene when Lori startled Richard into breaking the glass bottle (which was again unnecessary) and Richard pointed the middle finger at the bottle. Again, oh my god, like what??? What were they thinking? You think we will laugh at that? Are you kidding me?
So many unnecessary things in the promotion that it might as well have never been a movie. And I would have been fine with that. I would rather deal with a movie industry that does not have abominations of a movie such as The Promotion than sit through an hour and a half of painful, cheesy "jokes."

Sorry about the rant, just had to get it off my chest. I wonder if any others agree with me.


I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more.


I didn't expect much out of it and I liked it. It's nothing special. If you have ever worked in the service industry, especially at grocery stores, you can get the humor.


There is a say that if it is not a tragedy, then it is a comedy. No main character died, it is not a tragedy. It is thus a comedy. Sure, someone may also say that lately, "comedy" is often used instead of "comical" or instead of any other form of "humour". But even so, the question is if the author of the label used "comedy" to describe his movie is used in the classical meaning of the word, or in its lately abused meaning?

For this reason, I never EXPECT a COMEDY to be COMICAL, and like another poster mentionned, I found the movie agreable.


Great reply.
