Myth about Canadians

There's this myth about Canadians being so nice while it's not true. Sure enough, you'll meet some very quiet, polite people over there but you'll also meet some of the worst a**holes and stuck up twits as well. I went to some sort of store selling used books, software, magazines and stuff on Yonge St in Toronto and let me tell you, the young guy behind the counter was the most arrogant, stupid a**hole I've ever met in my life. I wanted to slug him but you gotta be careful with them Canadian killer cops, they kill people for spitting on the sidewalk - they especially like to murder people at airports I hear. So I kept my cool. Anyway don't believe all the hype, Canadians are overrated. They're not that polite at all.


The history of your posts ( is far from making you a reliable reference.

While you can find not agreable persone almost anywhere, and you are much more likely to find many if you are, yourself, disagreable, it is just a matter of 'fact' that Canadians, to the contrary of say Americans, do not have the biggest guns, do not have the same absolute amount of money, in total, etc... so they have to behave differently to 'convince' other to 'agree' with them.

Or, if you prefer, a child won't make physical threat to his parent, no, he would rather 'play nice', isn't it?

As far as cop liking to kill people who spit on the sidewalk... if that was the norm, Canada would have NOT been elected number one country to live in, for many consecutive years. Who is making a 'rumor' here? international organisms, or, imagine what, ... you, alone, all by yourself, ... oh, and your hear-says.

And if you really spit on the sidewalk, you are not behaving correctly, and I would then suggest that you start by giving the example, in small every day things, before sayhing to other how they must behave, in exceptional cases.


::The history of your posts ... is far from making you a reliable reference.

My biggest follower. I'm touched. But you forgot to review my dental x-rays and my latest blood test. And that nullifies not only this entire impressive research you've done but also puts into question your ability to perform a trustworthy analysis of any given issue. In this situation I must conclude that you cannot be a reliable judge of anything at all and your conclusions are dismissed as total and absolute nonsense.

::While you can find not agreable persone almost anywhere, and you are much more likely to find many if you are, yourself, disagreable

Now if we look at the history of your posts ( it is easy to see that you don't actually have an opinion about anything at all. All you do is ridicule others in a most snobbish fashion. That, dear sir, many find very disagreeable. On top of that you seem to dismiss any story anyone tells you as nonsense based on let's say the color of pants they're wearing. I assure you that most people will find that disagreeable in the extreme. You don't have many friends, do you?

::Canadians, to the contrary of say Americans, do not have the biggest guns, do not have the same absolute amount of money, in total, etc... so they have to behave differently to 'convince' other to 'agree' with them.

What is this nonsense - there are way smaller and way poorer countries where no one bothers to behave differently to convince anyone of anything, and you'll be filleted if you walk into the wrong part of town. So Canadians don't have to do any such thing but they like to think that they do. In some cases this don't apply. I personally met a few of them. And I happen to think that on the whole Americans of the Midwest or South East are nicer. I know, this could be painful to hear but c'est la vie.

::if that was the norm, Canada would have NOT been elected number one country to live in, for many consecutive years. Who is making a 'rumor' here?

Canada is elected number one precisely because, among other things, there's tight police presence so let's not play games here. And these cops don't kid around. There's plenty evidence for that.


"I personally met a few of them." and you generalized on all of them. Bravo.

I don't really have to reply, you did a good job to discredit yourself, all by yourself. But since you missed what is obvious to everyone, I just thought it would be nice to write it, black on white.

And if those Canadians you met returned your 'unpleasant-ness', well, that is a good point for them.

You said I don't have opinion 'cause of what?... Well, I think I know why. SO, here is what you probably call 'having an opinion': You know why Canada is a good place to live? it is because they kicked YOU out of there!



vanderghast is a troll - he has been reported by several users to the IMDB staff. Do yourself a favor and ignore this user unless you enjoy talking to trolls.


Some other words of wisdom from chrisnyc1. 3557277#153557277

In hell you'll just be sorry that you were so stupid back on Earth.

You pathetic sad moron. You are endlessly stupid and provide no service at all.

Pathetic babbling of a retarded racist. (...)another proof of your stupidity and brain damage caused by fanatical racism (...) why don't you move into a coal mine - everything's so beautiful and black - not a white thing around (...) Typical racist thinking. 50383260#150383260

You meant 'braindead racist troll'. That's who he is. 50383155#150383155

Well said but you are talking to a racist troll. Severe brain damage. A typical case I'm afraid. &p=1#148091314

'Greek' is a Turkish word meaning 'slave'. Why do Greeks submit to being called Greeks in today's world? &p=1#132498846

As a result you see racists who think it's perfectly normal and socially acceptable to be this particular kind of racist. &p=1#132726137

Another racist brainless troll sharing his "wisdom".


Some other words of wisdom from vanderghast:

I just don't understand all the hype about "The Godfather". It's such a bad movie, poorly directed and with bad acting. All that violence makes me sick. My vote is 1.

You stupid moron for the last time I tell you I'm right and you're wrong. If you don't shut up immediately you'll be sorry.

"Shawshank Redemption" is one of the worst movies I've seen. The actors are so awful, they don't know what they're doing. And I mean it goes without saying that Tim Robbins would've fallen in love with Mark Rolston, I know I would have. He was such a hot stud. Imagine the two of them making love on Robbin's bunk bed. The director selfishly cheated us out of such a marvelous scene.

I loved this movie. I have similar fantasies to the ones the protagonist had. Sometimes I dream I proudly walk the streets of my hometown wearing only my pink boots. All men eye me hungrily. And the women ask me with amazement what I do to keep my skin so smooth and cleanly shaved.

I simply hated that movie. Everybody in it was so ugly.

My favorite movie is The Piano. That scene where Harvey Keitel boldly shows Holly Hunter what he's made of still makes me drool.

I loved that movie because I love animals. But I love them more than ordinary people do. It makes me blush. I intend to write a book about my experiences. I already have a title: "The Beastmaster".

I loved that movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic". That movie is about me. It's 10/10 for sure. I loved it.


Strangest thread EVER!!

And I will say not all Canadians are as polite as Hollywood makes them out to be....but I been around way worse people in my life just the same. Look at that, right down the middle .


The fact of the matter is that you generalized a whole Country of people based on your experience with a few. Thus you really have no clue what you are actually talking about.

End thread.


I'm Canadian and your cop theory is complete *beep* I live in waterloo, a hour outside of toronto. Maybe that kid was an *beep* to you because you failed to earn his respect. I wouldn't give you mine

i don't suffer from insanity i enjoy every last minute of it


polite people and @-holes come in all nationalities IMO
