MovieChat Forums > The Promotion (2008) Discussion > if you think this film is racist then...

if you think this film is racist then...

...for heavens sake dont watch american history x!


bunch of black people hanging out in the parking lot. being loud and sitting on other people's cars.


Is it racist if it shows the truth?

[red] If you're fighting to live, It's OK to die!,[red]


this was shot down the street from my house. i worked at the jewel-osco (supermarket) across the street from the donaldsons. and trust me the movie made 87th street look way nicer than it really is. and that is a problem the mall security have to face, drug dealers, guys selling fake sneakers, loose cigarettes, and guys just hanging around not doing anything. its not racism, its reality

****That's what she said****


that is seriously creepy you posted that because i literally just rented the promotion AND american history x... like together


Actually I watched the Promotion last night and American History X for the first time 3 days ago.


that is pretty creepy i only made this post cos of all the idiots sayin every film is racist

it dont matter if loads of white people die but if one black person dies then ZOMG racism!

dont click this link


I agree, I for one was appalled with the high bodycount in The Promotion.


"American History X" was a very good film that dealt bluntly with race while this film took a lot of cheap shots and pandered to stereotypes; this is like comparing "Mississippi Burning" with "Soul Man". I'm from Chicago and if this was filmed on South 87th St., truthfully I have never seen any white people in this neighborhood and frankly I'm Black and don't feel safe there. This film was not clever or seeking realism just cheap, tasteless laughs at the expense of minority and disabled people. And, what I find most offensive about this movie, it failed to deliver the laughs--it was not funny.


very weird, watching the promotion right now, and earlier today i watched american histoy x.....but i agree, if black people are so called "stereotyped" in any way, a movie becomes racist, but it is in fact truth, that there are worthless black kids like portrayed in this movie...but that doesnt mean that all black people are that way, and the movie isn't saying that, some people just seek out racism, they almost want to be offended by something


it's hard for me to even respond to this thread. The Promotion vs. American History X.

Did you watch either movie? American History X is supposed to shock you with the realism of racism. It's about transformation and the hate that racism stems from. The Promotion had about 6 black characters and they were all lazy, stupid, and rude. I try not to label every film with a black person as a bad guy or girl racist because they usually aren't but JEEZ if this wasn't racist i don't know what is. There's no problem having stereotypes...they are stereotypes for a reason but when you place 6ish black characters in a movie and have them all act and offend the same it's offensive to black people whether you ignorant a*holes like it or not.

i don't even know why i'm arguing because people that could seriously draw a parallel between American History X and The Promotion are bound to have trouble understanding anything. Let me keep it simple:

1. This movie was offensive to me as a half black person and also to others.
2. it doesn't matter what you think; it can't change the fact that people were offended.
3. there's a difference between RACISM and A MOVIE ABOUT RACISM.



I agree

I'm a white fella, and even enjoyed this movie but did find some parts a little racist

and you can't compare it to American History X, that movie is about racism, this movie is about a supermarket

I didn't necessarily find the black gang in the carpark racist, it was more the fat black worker who was constantly stealing the products from the aisles, the mexicans/spanish in the deli and what was with that 'slapper' guy who couldnt speak english?

And that book that Stiffler read about having lunch with the negro at the first day of school, what was the point of that? unless for a little racial humour

but anyway, wasnt a bad movie


I don't get it.

I'm a white guy, and watched a movie that pretty muched mocked every male character, white black, hispanic.

Two white screw ups who basically fall into a trap of one-upping each other, vying for a job as a grocery store manager.

Every male is razzed in this film at some point.

Why does it always come down to racism. In fact, the only male who didn't come off as ridiculous at some point in the film was the black male community leader who was questioning the yoohoo-black apple scene.

Can't we laugh at ourselves?

And the scene with the book from the 60's and the negro, that was racist? The white guy was floored by the obvious racial intones of that book if I recall. Didn't he say WTF? after looking at it?

There's just nowhere to go these days if you need to "whitewash" every scene written and have it ok'd by the PC police. What a dull, banal artistic society we would have.

No Office Space, please... We can't offend white suburban computer programmers!

In fact, no humor in any film at all, because some one is bound to be offended.

Let's only make pale documentaries that paint society without any of the flare, warts and mishaps that occur in every day life.


Calm down, cbartal... Nobody even jumped into the thread and said it was actually racist.. The thread starter obviously wanted some reaction out of it, but didn't get any.. The only responses made were from people claiming that it wasn't racist... So it was completely pointless to post this..


Some of you guys are hilarious. It's like it's okay if the *beep* kids are white, but if they're anything BUT white then it's just plain racist. It's a god damned movie. If you're offended turn it off.

I used to live in a party town with a Supermarket JUST like the one in this movie. Except guess what? The *beep* kids who hung out in the parking lot were all Hispanic because the neighborhood was mostly hispanic. Am I racist because I think they're pieces of shi t for the way they acted? No I'm not. They're bad PEOPLE, not bad Hispanics. Just like the kids in this movie were bad people and not bad African Americans.

People are offended by the smallest things this day and age. It's really sad.


I just re-read the entire thread. You're right monkeyguy, I didn't add anything new to the thread.

I'm sorry for my pointless post.

But I don't read every post on every thread, I can't, I don't have the time.

I pick and choose things that interest me. And things that I have a POV on. For some reason this thread pulled me in, so I posted.

I enter this board in fits and starts when I have time.

I guess I deserved the slapdown.



y is everyone taking what i said wasnt an in depth comparrison of the 2 films, all i was saying was, if u found this film racist then its best u dont american history x..thats all


actually both fadeout and yourmumma1111 found the film to be racist, monkeyguy....and I tend to agree with cbartal. if youre offended by this film, well then thats just ridiculous. youre far too sensitive.
