MovieChat Forums > The Promotion (2008) Discussion > This movie is NOT HORRIBLE, IN THE LEAST...

This movie is NOT HORRIBLE, IN THE LEAST....and....

As a producer and filmmaker, but more importantly a movie lover, I must convey 1.) this movie is not in the least bit horrible and 2.) my position on online film bashing....


It's underrated, sadly under the radar, and I wish I'd known of it sooner, instead of finding it on cable only a month ago. But that's the beauty of distributor marketing $ for movies like don't give you any.

It's exceptionally well written, exceptionally well performed by the wicked charming Sean William Scott and always miraculous John C. Reilly. It's very well crafted, and if I may be so bold, exceptionally well directed. With a lesser director a story like this could've easily been DOA but Conrad amazes with his vision.

The collaborative effort is aces across the board. I like Conrad so much he's on my Director wishlist for future projects...a girl can dream.


User fotoobscura started a most malicious thread where he verbally rapes THE PROMOTION, Conrad and anyone involved in the making of, what to him is apparently, the most vile piece of cinema since the evolution of man.

I can relate, I too have been regaled with similarly daft reviews, a particular gem received among the good and the bad; a Netflix patron said of my film HIGH HOPES that "...everyone involved with the film should be blacklisted..." An insightful comment to be sure, more effectively revealing what an anti-Semetic sourpuss the reviewer is rather than the quality of my stoner comedy.

I'm aware you cannot please everyone with your work, that you'll inevitably have unhappy customers; those who don't get it, those who think it's boring, or that they could've done a better job, and even those, like fotoobscura, who think what you created is a steaming pile of crap...but the visceral, hate filled comments that users post (here and all over the internets -- quoting Bush here, don't post on my poor typing skills) is unnecessary and frankly makes the user/poster look like, either a frustrated filmmaker who never found the courage,drive, and passion to pursue their dream or a miserably unhappy person, either way, we all know what misery loves...

More power to free speech! More power to an individual's perception of art and entertainment! But as Ricky Ricigliano said to the rude girl at Color Me Mine after she chucks the ashtray down in front of him in MADE...

"There's a nice way to do that."


In all honesty and for reasons even I don't fully understand this movie is without a doubt my favorite movie of all time, i wish i could point to exactly why that is but i simply can't. Oh and whats your IMDB page look like guy above me? I'm not being mean im just curious.


I just finished watching it and even though I "get it"... it was uninteresting and not at all funny. Not what I expected. The commercials make it out to be a screwball comedy which it was far from.

It's too bad that two funny actors were wasted in such a sleep fest.


cgambrell- I completely agree, people are WAY over-the-top with their comments on imdb. But they do it on purpose, to make people mad, so you just can't take them seriously. It's still annoying as hell though.
