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Bicentennial Man I, Robot and Foundation — thoughts?

These are interconnected books from what I understand (I know the caves of steel books are connected to foundation at least based on foundation and earth) I would love to see a robin williams robot stuffed in some well in the Apple TV Foundation lol


The Foundation, Robot and Empire novels are all connected. They hosed up I, Robot and the Bicentennial Man. Better if they got remade and actually based on the books instead of just using the title to cover other material.


What’s so bad about bicentennial man? I robot was much worse


I Robot was terrible. Will Smith was a total ham in that movie, and, well every movie he's been in since the only one I've liked and thought was really superb, Enemy Of The People.


I like Pursuit of Happyness, but yeah generally I agree he's in a lot of pretty terrible roles!

Did you ever see Spy Game? Similar kind of movie to Enemy of the State, one of my favorite spy thrillers.


I think I did see Spy Game, but I have to confess it did not make an impression on me because I have forgotten it totally. EOTS appealed to me because it was the first movie to really point out just how all this high-tech could be brought to bear against the individual in our society. I thought it was really brilliant, and as far as I can think of it's the only movie that Will Smith did where he is not a total ham. He does a really good job in it, but he still has those little nubby cauliflower ears! ;-)


The Bicentennial Man film left out or changed most of the plot of the Asimov short story or the Silverberg novel. Instead of Andrew designing artificial organs that can extend the life of people in his quest to become a real human, he searches for other NDR models like him.

Andrew's close association with the Martin family ended with the death of Little Miss' son; Portia was not in the book.


From my POV, I feel like movies rarely convey the plot of the source material. I do think BM was thematically on target with the short story, though, and the characters were very, very good. I really enjoyed Robin Williams and Sam Neill's roles, especailly the conflict between them when he wanted to move out after the wedding and how they kind of patched things up on Neill's death bed. The feels!


While Robin Williams has done well in non-comedic roles, he is primarily known as a comic actor and in this film he was miscast in my opinion. In BM he played a funny robot which was very unlike the Andrew Martin of the book who knew how to recognize emotions in a human, but did not experience or exhibit them himself.
