Why did I wait!?

Still wondering exactly what kept me from this epic show. Probably just as drunk as Don. But as long as I'm having the experience, it doesn't matter!

What an epic series. Love how accurate the time period details this show nails down.


It is a great series! I didn't start watching it until it was over. I heard about it when it was on, but at the time I didn't have Netflix and I don't know if all their shows were online, but I didn't want to start it on the 3rd season and I had other shows on my "to do" list. It is definitely worthy of the buzz it got and wasn't just one of those shows that gets a lot of hype in the first seasons then craps out but rides that momentum. It's good all the way through.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Started last 17th of September with Season 1 and have been watching almost everyday. I just finished 2nd to the last episode & sad it's over when I get home later and will be watching the very last episode.

Have been avoiding imdb like a good girl lol to avoid any spoilers and have been reading at av club site per episode. They compare it a lot to Sopranos so maybe will be watching that after.

Love this <3


Love both this and Sopranos. Don't read his "high bar" answer if you don't know how the Sopranos ended.



ditto here ... heard about it for years and gave it a shot through Netflix. Same thing happend with Breaking Bad and NCIS (Netflix is worth every penny of its fee)

The show is depressing, humorous, witty and dramatic with so many interesting storylines ... watching the characters evolve is one of the best aspects of the show. Unfortuntately, I'm currently watching the last episode ... definitely seems like it could have stretched out for a few more seasons


ugh just finished the last episode. i know i know how can i move on haha, didn't feel like closure for me. well maybe the other characters but like...what to do now hahaha!


Same here...watched a couple every night and did the whole series. Just finished tonight...don't feel total closure either. I actually had to check if that was the last episode. Ugh. Damn. Shouldn't have done it so fast.


My advice to those of you lamenting the show's end is that it is HIGHLY rewatchable. Even just throwing on a random episode from Season Two or something, to get your fix. The characters are that fully-developed, the scripts are that dense, and the details are that rich. Nothing gets lost the second time around.
