MovieChat Forums > Mad Men (2007) Discussion > Dr. Faye: Far Too Good For Don

Dr. Faye: Far Too Good For Don

Many have asked, "how could Don choose Megan over Faye?" and I agree, but Faye ended up winning there. Far too good for Don in my mind. I'd hope Don could get his *beep* together and end up with someone like her, but he was such a broken bird.

She pegged him from the start... She knew he'd be remarried in another year, and of course, the bullseye: "... you only like the beginnings of things."

I wish Faye hadn't have cried over Don. Boy, was he not worth it.


I think Don would agree.


This is true. At the time, I think Don did convince himself he'd be happy with Megan. He found a young, seemingly pliable girl who won him over by being good with his children. He didn't consider much else, sadly. Not that considering much else would have done him any good. His own self-loathing and self-destruction kept him from finding a good partner and being able to be a good partner himself.


Don was a better choice than Christopher Moltisanti- but he's still bad. Guess she just has the worst luck with men.

She was by far my favorite of all the women Don was with. I was sad to see her go.

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


LOL, sick Sopranos reference! I agree with you.


I still haven't watched "The Sopranos," something I plan to remedy one day. I'll brace myself for the actress having even worse luck there!


It's actually the greatest show of all time, and I'm not even exaggerating. You can see its influence on shows like "Mad Men". You gotta watch it. As soon as possible!

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


I tried watching The Soranos, but lost interest before the end of the first season ended, and have never felt any desire to go back and watch it again. Your mileage may vary.


 They don't make shows like that anymore...

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


Chris was better choice than Artie Lange was in Beer League

Jesus would support Universal Health Care


Faye was an intelligent, yet brittle, woman, while Megan was a malleable (to a point) girl, or young woman.

Faye was too bright and insightful about Don for him to be able to handle and be attracted to her, in the long run. Instead he chose Megan, who he thought was more accepting and far less challenging, because he did not want to confront who and what he was. This was underneath Faye's discomfort with kids, and Megan's contrasting ease with them.


At first I didn't see the point of what it mattered if Faye wasn't good with kids and Megan was. The kids still had a mother they primarily lived with and it's not like Don was ever really dedicated to his children. I do think there was something to the fact he didn't have a mother to care for him that he sought in adulthood. Megan was sort of both a child and a mother whereas Faye was more independent. It seemed to me Don started losing interest in Megan when she sought a career that was outside of his realm, like he enjoyed taking care of her at work and being taken care of in a relationship, and Faye would have been too practical and too equal and Don gave that a shot and got bored with it.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I agree, Don's relationship throughout most of the series was questionable at best, given he was ready to leave them, and Betty, and disappear off with Rachel, went on a drunken rampage on Sally's birthday when he was supposed to be picking up her birthday cake and didn't return until late that night, and said he only began to feel love for his kid (Bobby) during the scene in the theater after Bobby showed kindness to the black man who worked there, sweeping up, after MLK was assassinated.

He was, overall, a terrible father, although I do think he came to love both Sally and Bobby (don't know about Gene) eventually.

I agree there was something about his choice of first Betty, who he thought was such a wonderful mother -- at least for the first few seasons-- and later Megan, versus Faye, because of his stepmothers behavior towards him.
