Harry Crane's Wife

Don't we see her just once? Anyone know the episode(s)?


She was at the party at the country club where Roger sang in blackface. I think the name of the episode was "My Old Kentucky Home."



Thanks, Maggi! Is she in any other episodes? Kind of a weird decision, right?


She was actually featured in 6 episodes:



If only there was like a movie database on the internet that would have lists of appearances of certain actors or characters.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.



In Peggy Oleson's voice: You know something? You're a jerk!

Haha, totally kidding! I, too, couldn't resist... probably because I've just seen the episode again with that hilarious exchange where the guys and Lois are goofying on Peggy on the phone (because of her apartment ad), and that line rang in my head. 





I needed a laugh today, and I got one. (I watched that episode recently too--marathoning "Mad Men," I've heard it all this past week.) Thank you.


Harry's personal life was delved into less often than the other main characters. We never saw his children once and I think he was supposed to have three, including a set of twins.


They really took the pruning shears to Crane, didn't they? He never was featured as much as several other cast members, but his screen time got noticeably smaller, and featuring his private life was all but gone.


I thought Harry's character was given a great deal of development. He went from a likable sort of schmo, to a sleezebag.

Ugh, I liked Harry initially, despite his lack of moxie, but he was a faithful and good guy. Eventually he became a royal a$$hole, over time. I hated him for it, yet it made sense and was very well done.


I thought Harry's character was given a great deal of development. He went from a likable sort of schmo, to a sleezebag.

I agree, Harry got a great deal of character development, and I feel the same as you do about him. His role just diminished over time, but with him spending more time in California, and with nore characters added, I didn't mind. Since he became such a bellyaching opportunist, I really didn't miss seeing more of him either. In the beginning, he really was likeable, although there were shades that he could turn into a jerk as more success came his way. His arc was certainly well done.


I think she's in a couple of eps

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.
