MovieChat Forums > Mad Men (2007) Discussion > Lois Sadler, secretary.

Lois Sadler, secretary.

Lois Sadler comes to be one of the best-known secretaries (to the audience) in the early seasons. We don't see her again after the major corporate split which takes place at the end of 1963. Question is, why do we keep seeing her after she mutilate someone in the office? It was an accident, but we still see her in a couple err more episodes after that. One would think she'd have been fired on the spot.


1. It wasn't her fault. Ken was the one who introduced a riding lawn mower into a drunken party and allowed someone to drive who didn't know how to operate it.

2. No one was sorry to see Guy go back to England. He was an unctuous, overeducated British twit who had no clue about Sterling Cooper. He didn't have enough sense to keep his feet out from under a moving lawn mower.


Although I wouldn't have been surprised if she was fired, I agree with Jhines that that if she was fired for that, it would seem fair to fire Ken for bringing it into the office and letting people ride it around for laughs. They probably realized it was all a big mistake and just wanted to move on. Did they even talk about it again? Even off camera, I imagine it was the *thing* no one felt comfortable bringing up again.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


"just when he got it in the door." tee hee



Right. Both Roger and Joan made jokes about the incident.

Roger never forgave Guy for leaving him off the organization chart.


Because of Guy, Lane Pryce had to move overseas. When he was injured, he moved back to the UK. So technically, Lois saved Lane's job. So he made every effort to make sure she was not fired.


I don't know what if says now, but the Wikia page for Lois spoke confoundedly about seeing Lois after the lawnmower situation too. Not that the Wikia pages are some authority on television shows, but that whole situation strikes many as odd too. I agree with those in this thread who say Lois actually did the company a favor, and it was disguised as an accident anyhow; an act she didn't instigate in the first place. Ofhers were having a merry time driving that lawnmower, and Lois just happened to be the one behind the wheel when tragedy struck. Even the bigwigs at PPL weren't keen to blame her. Nobody was.

I have to say, when I saw Lois on screen after the accident, I was shocked. I had to convince myself of the above details to rationalize her staying on.


1. It wasn't her fault. Ken was the one who introduced a riding lawn mower into a drunken party and allowed someone to drive who didn't know how to operate it.

2. No one was sorry to see Guy go back to England. He was an unctuous, overeducated British twit who had no clue about Sterling Cooper. He didn't have enough sense to keep his feet out from under a moving lawn mower.


I agree with you.
