MovieChat Forums > Mad Men (2007) Discussion > What was your least favorite season?

What was your least favorite season?

For me, I think it has to be Season 5. It faced the challenge of transitioning into essentially a new show. Whereas the 4th season was an interesting take of bachelor Don Draper, Season 5 felt awkward, with a primary interest in work-related storylines, and less on the personal ones. Although, we got a HEAVY dose of Don and Megan, and that started to wear thin after a while. When I think back on the show, this season seems to be the least memorable - unless you count Megan's zou bisou routine. Ugh.


I'd have to choose 7-B, probably.


I agree. Too much plot manipulation in 7B.



I think she would have been better as a supporting character. I never hated her, but she received far too much screen time, and probably to the detriment of other, more interesting characters.


I didn't like season 6 much. Didn't like the merger storyline and the introduction of new characters like Ted, Cutler, and Bob. Didn't like Megan's soap opera storyline. I didn't like the Don/Sylvia affair. The side story of Pete's Mom and her male nurse was silly. When I'm watch Mad Men I usually skip season 6. However were some memorable scenes like "Grandma Ida", Sally catching Don "comforting" Sylvia, Don telling his whorehouse story to the Hersey folks, and him taking his kids to see that same whorehouse. Also, memorable --- Don getting suspended and meeting Lou and Duck on the way out - "going down?"


Season 6 feels like a show starting to run out of steam. The merger seems too late as it suddenly means that there are loads of new faces everywhere, and although Peggy is part of it, she is really sidelined in this season. And the Don/Sylvia relationship doesn't really make much sense.

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Season 6 feels like a show starting to run out of steam.

That's how I kind of felt about it, Season 6. I didn't hate it, but something about it didn't work that well. (I also thought the members of the cast who lean towards being mediocre actors seemed even more mediocre in Season 6).

The "vibe" of MAD MEN works overall, however, and that may be the most validly "'60s" thing about it: you absorb it more than you do anything else.

Even when the show's flaws, including its anachronistic vocal fry, seep in.

I dunno. I've yet to see Season 7, so I can't obviously assess which is best/worst.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


Season 2 for me seems the closest in the show to a "filler" season, which is to say it's still great but it has much less of consequence, and much less interesting plotlines on the whole, than the others. Most of the least interesting plots can be found here, like Peggy and the priest, Betty's horse-riding, too much Duck, and strangely I even found The Mountain King to be underwhelming and too on-the-nose compared to Don's future visits to Cali, which are great. Also, though Meditations in an Emergency is a superb finale, I think the tail-end of S2 with Betty's disenchantment with Don reads like more of a dry-run for the end of S3 when all of that will actually come to fruition -- it gives S2, in retrospect, a kind of holding-pattern feel, like the writers couldn't put all their cards on the table just yet.

Season 1 is better than 2, but still not one of my favorites. I'm still kind of coming to terms with the first several episodes of 7B, but right now for me I'd say Seasons 3 through 7A are all absolute perfection, with 4 and 6 sticking out as the greatest.


I'm at season 4, and I find it to be very boring. So far season one was the best.


Season 5 might actually be my favorite (it's between 5 and 4). There was a bit too much Megan, and Fat Betty wasn't a great storyline, but otherwise it was incredibly strong, and had so many classic episodes, like 'The Other Woman' and 'Far Away Places'.

My least favorite is Season 6, which saw the show start to repeat itself with the drawn out Sylvia storyline. Many of the storylines suffered from a slightly stale feel, though they managed to wrap it up spectacularly with those last few episodes. It was still a strong season, but it stands out as easily the weakest.


After rewatching the entire series and getting through it all last night, yes, I agree, season 6 was probably the weakest.
Life is always intense for a repo man.



Season 5 for sure....Megan and Don (we called them MegaDon) being forced down our throats was I wasnt a fan of Joan's storyline...or Pete's....or Fat Betty.MM stayed a great show to the end, but its this season where it turned from Brilliant to good/very good-

"When life presents you with lemons, squeeze out the juice and squirt it in your enemies eyes."


I enjoyed the entire series, it had become one of my all time favourite TV shows. I would say that season 6 is the weakest season mostly due to all the secondary characters but even then, MAD MEN was a consistently amazing show
