MovieChat Forums > Mad Men (2007) Discussion > Don, the original P-grabber

Don, the original P-grabber

The Donald (Trump) has been in the news for bragging about grabbing pu$$ies, and I couldn't help but thinking about how our Don Draper was the original P-grabber. Bobbie Barrett deserved hers being grabbed though, given what she was trying to pull. She also seemed to like it.


The second I heard Trump say it I thought of Don Draper!!!! I totally remember watching that scene and thinking what the hell is he doing to her?? And naturally he fixed his cuff as he walked away....ohhh he's so slick!!


Did you see how he wiped his hand on the napkin when he got back to the table?

Earlier in that same episode where he and Bobby got it on in his car --- when Don got home to Betty and the kids later that day, he washed out his mouth at the kitchen sink!


I guess Trump was a fan of the show?? I found this in the trivia section....

In June 2016, after he was already the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump's campaign filed its monthly Federal Election Commission financial disclosure report for May. The report showed that the campaign had made four payments (adding up to $35,000.00) to a New Hampshire company for "web advertising"; the name provided on the FEC report for this company was "Draper Sterling." An investigation by Judd Legum at the website Think Progress found a money trail leading to strong evidence that this entity was a front run by Trump field operatives. Think Progress also clarified, "Draper and Sterling, of course, are the fictional names of the two lead characters in Mad Men, the hit AMC show about advertising."


Ha! That's pretty cool!

Trump certainly would've fit in well in the MM world. I can see him grabbing and kissing all the secretaries at Sterling Cooper. No one would even complain.


It seems pretty clear that that was a scam company, probably run by Corey Lewandowski, his manager at the time.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.


All the women whose pussies Don Draper grabbed wanted it though. They were all consensual relationships.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.
