MovieChat Forums > P2 (2007) Discussion > Seriously is that how most Rottweilers a...

Seriously is that how most Rottweilers are?

Are most aggressive, vicious and nasty as portrait in the movie? I have always feared and despise Rottweilers the most out of all the other breeds for no apparent reason (nope, I have never gotten attacked by any dog). I seen a caged Rott on a parking lot and it growled at me nastily as soon as it saw me panicking while it did nothing to my father, not backed away in silent (it got scared of him).
Perhaps if I ever encountered a gentle one face-to-face then I might reconsider and raised one(if possible as a pup so he's taught right from an early age. So is that in their nature or it is mainly the dumb owner's fault (like displayed in the movie). I seen Rotts on youtube that were gentle to babies but I don't know.


Oh no, I've known some very sweet Rotts. Its usually the owners who make dogs mean...


That is completely true, dogs are MADE to be mean, usually by being applies to Rotts, Dobermans, Dalmatians and mixed breeds.

My aunt owns 2 Rottweilers and they are the sweetest of dogs, except for the drool, I'm not into the drool.

My grandma breeds and sells Doberman Pinchers and the only thing they want you to do is pet them all day. Seriously, all they want is attention.

The only mean Rotts and Dobermans I have ever seen have been in movies...



I agree. When I was younger (like 5 years old) my cousin would have a dog and I would visit her every week, I would hold the dog, put it in my arms, touch its face, tail, etc. They gave the dog away.

It's been almost 15 years since I held a dog and I'm scared of them. I can't hold a dog or anything or touch it's face, just being scared it might bite me or something. Rottweilers are the most SCARIEST dogs to me. It just seems like most Rottweilers I encounter with, their leashes are chains and they're always barking.


no i know plenty of rottweilers who are nice dogs. it's the owners who turn them mean by training and mistreating. ive actually seen really really mean poodles and little dogs lol.


No, most Rotts are, as people say here, good dogs. It is usually training that leads them to be vicious. There are breeds that tend more towards psychotic, though, just as toy poodles and chihuahuas lean towards wetting themselves whenever you look at them mean. Dobies are a bit more likely to be vicious than many dogs, though they still aren't like they are in the movies.

St. Bernards, to contrast, are almost never like Cujo -- they are some of the best dogs for a family animal, as they tolerate just about any abuse a small child will "inadvertently" apply without snapping out in anger.

Like people there are some dogs which are just naturally nuts, though -- if any breed doesn't behave well as a whole sometimes it's due to too much inbreeding.


"St. Bernards, to contrast, are almost never like Cujo -- they are some of the best dogs for a family animal, as they tolerate just about any abuse a small child will "inadvertently" apply without snapping out in anger."

Actually, if you remember, Cujo was a great dog... he only turned bad when he got rabies. I have a 3 year old St. Bernard and he is the most well behaved dog in the world. My kids love him and lay on him all the time, he won't even stir because he doesn't want to disturb them. He even lets them ride him like a pony (he is about 230 pounds.) I also have 3 cats, and the dog loves them too. They all sleep together all the time.

As for rotts, I had one as a kid, and he was a great dog, too. I think a lot of times owners automatically believe they are aggressive dogs, so they keep them on a chain, which they hate. This, in turn, can make them aggressive, along with being mistreated. IMO, small dogs are way more troublesome than big ones; most of the ones I know bark way too much and snap at people. The rule of thumb is the bigger the dog the easier to train, and they usually make better family pets if you ask me.


No we have a rottweiler who lets herself get picked on by a beagle.



No not at all! I have a Rottweiler/Staffy cross and he is a total baby. It annoys me how much of a wimp he can be sometimes. He just wants to cuddle and is scared of lampshades. I think they are used in movies because people have preconceptions about them any way and they look scary too (I've had people actually scream and move out the way when I walk mine, even though he's ridiculously wimpy).


No but there is a stereotype especially in the media that Rottweilers are aggressive. They do make good guard dogs.

In saying that no matter what dog you have if you as the owner mistreat it, it will be aggressive to people just in general.


Afraid of lampshades lol That's hilarious!


David Traversa. Ailec 1987: Remember a couple of years ago that french woman whose face was literally ripped out by one of this dogs? It was the first case in the world who received a new donor's face (the donor was dead, fortunately for him) and I'm sure when she saw herself in a mirror (it was a hand mirror, provided by a sadistic nurse) her piercing scream was heard beyond the hospital walls and even the next valleys (being France, they have valleys) so, I advise you never to get one of this nasty things.

Unless...if by the time you get one of these dogs, the technic is perfected and the new face is undetectable from the original one, in that case it won't matter too much if your puppy leaves you faceless, since you'll be able to choose a beautiful new one from a face catalog at your nearest doctor's office.

Now we see almost every day that kind of news with horrible pictures of the mangled victim, like six year old girls or boys utterly ruined by these beasts.
I tell you, I think that to be the owner of such animal one must be a bit deranged, knowing very well that they are completely unpredictable.


Well, some breeds are inherently dangerous and some dogs become dangerous due to training.

Some very brief internet research indicates that the Rottweilern breed are above average in inherent danger, though not necessarily to a extreme extent. So, long story short, yes, they are more likely to be vicious as shown in the movie. But no, not likely to that extent shown in the movie.


I have had many bad experiences with dogs so I had no problem with her killing the rotweiler. We can assume that he trained it to be vicious and do her harm.
