MovieChat Forums > P2 (2007) Discussion > Sorry for the death of Rocky

Sorry for the death of Rocky

such a lovely dog,reminds me my old dog Shadow who died 2 years ago.
I really wish Rachel didnt kill him even though her beautiful leg got bite :)
every dog is owner`s trusty friend,trustier than most human being you known.

BTW, Rachel`s body is pretty much hotter than she was in "The Inside".


I agree, I think that scene was unnecessary, just like the fingernail scene. They loaded this movie with a bunch of unneeded crap. You either kill her, or she escapes. The. Freaking. End.

"No, no matter what we go through, if you step up I'll step up too.."


Get over it. I'm glad she killed the dog. I was hoping she would've rammed the crowbar down its throat. If a dog attacked me like that I'm sorry, but that's what I would have done. While he is chewing off your leg lets see how sorry you feel for him


I totally agree on that. What else was she supposed to do? The dog was vicious, and about to maul her, so there's only one end to the situation, either kill the dog or get killed. It's that simple.




Glad the dog got wasted...what was she supposed to do...stroke him and give him a doggy treat?...a dog tries to rip your leg off so you do your best to kill the *beep* i can't stand dogs so i'm probably biased.


Thats great!! I agree with you. Most movies don't need animal violence in it. I would rather just watch the people get brutally murdered then the dog. The dog can't help his owner is a psycho. Besides he was Thomas' only friend.


hahaha!!! Thats funny right thurr I dont care who u r


I'm a dog lover, but she really didn't have any choice. Rocky was attacking her, as Thomas had trained him to do. Plus it was Thomas who set Rocky after her. She was acting in self-defence. If anyone is to blame for Rocky's death, it's Thomas, for using the dog as a weapon in the first place.



I think doggy woggy wanted to suck her titties.


WTF?! Get out of here!


Not really as I would have done the same thing, probably stab it 100 more times to make sure it's really dead. I never liked Rottweilers anyways (they're scary looking and ugly) so that would be an extra in stabbing it more. I would be like ''Ok so it's either my life or the dog angrily trying to help me, which happens to be the one I despise the most''.

I hate Rottweilers, always did...



Rocky was a stupid dog. I'm surprised Angela didn't kill that retarded mutt sooner.



Too funny, all the comments.

If the dog was tearing your leg off, about to continue on until you were maimed and shredded, I think all the sympathy you have might be different. Like there are no Atheists in fox holes. Ppl really think they believe something, but the will to live takes over. I love animals and don't like seeing them killed or hurt, especially cats. I really love cats, can't stand seeing them hurt, but if one jumped on my face and was capable of killing me and in the process of doing so, I would do my best to kill that mf as fast as possible! Fortunately, this is a highly unlikely scenario. Just like there are usually no known cases of humans being attacked by a wolf. Fortunately, animals don't normally do stuff like that. When you've got a trained attack kill dog by a pyscho path, that sets him on you, well, that's not like most animals like wolves or cats. It's like a psycho path dog. But it's doing what it's trained too, and yes it was Tom's fault. You knew it was going to happen though, it was there the whole time, just waiting to happen. You couldn't take some of those things out of the movie, there wouldn't be anything left of it.

~Go and never darken my towels again~


This dog was NOT your old dog Shadow. He was an attack dog, and was in the car with the woman, had already bitten her, and obviously meant to do worse. I'm a dog-lover also; I have 4, but if some dog attacked me, I'd have no problem at all killing it with whatever was handy.
People who value animal life above human life need to be put in this situation, then we'll see if they just stand there and let the dog(s) maul them to death. I'd be willing to put $$ on the person changing their minds pronto.

This PMS is so confusing. I can't tell if I feel stabby or shooty today.


People who value animal life above human life need to be put in this situation, then we'll see if they just stand there and let the dog(s) maul them to death. I'd be willing to put $$ on the person changing their minds pronto.

Seriously! Like they would actually let a dog maul them and lie there doing absolutely nothing. Talk about the biggest line of BS I've ever heard. I can understand not killing a defenseless animal but Rocky was not a fluffy little poodle housepet, he was a trained killer and was going to kill her. If it's me or the animal? Buh-bye animal.

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner."


First off, why is an animals life worth less then a humans. Humans are cruel and violent because they want to be, or because they are lazy. Animals do what they do to survive or because they are trained.

Thats like saying if you had a child and they hurt someone, the person can kill your child and you would be okay with it. Or at least you should be.


She'd torn it halfway off...better to finish the job than leave it hanging on getting caught on everything while she was trying to get away from Tom.

This PMS is so confusing. I can't tell if I feel stabby or shooty today.



The dog had it coming to him. He tried to kill her so he had to be put down. Dog's bite people all the time, they're not to be trusted.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski


People kill people all the time, they are not to be trusted either.

Humans are more worthless then animals, and more violent and cruel too. Animals kill because they are trained, for food, and protection. Humans kill because they want to see what it feels like, or because they are to lazy to get a job, so they have to rob and kill someone.

If you ever do anything to hurt someone I hope you get put down.


<b>lambofgodlady1 wrote
Animals do what they do to survive or because they are trained.
Animals kill because they are trained, for food, and protection.</b>

So when a disgusting, angry, out of control pitbull mauls a little kid it does it for food, protection and survival?
You know what I hate more than attack dogs?
Attack dog owners! They always blame the helpless victim when their dogs they couldn't control mutilate them. They never accept the blame for their crazy dog killing or mutilating an innocent kid. Attack dog owners are sick, insecure, wimps who need a viscious dog to make themselves feel strong. I love it when I hear stories about pits turning on their owners and killing them because the pit gets put down and the only one who got hurt was the sicko that bought it.

I HATE attack dogs. Shephards, Dobermans, Pits, they should all be rounded up by animal control and gassed! So ask me how much compassion I have for poor little Rocky and Thomas, who acted just like a typical attack dog owner after Angela killed it. "Why did you kill my dog, B****?". Because he was killing me you ass!!!


Although sucks the dog had to die.....I probably would have done the same to survive even though I'm a huge animal lover.....The scene where she needs to get her purse outta the security room she should have given the dog the plates of food that they didn't eat earlier in the movie to shut his ass up and maybe he woulda warmed up too her haha



Thats funny because I have had all three of those types of dogs and they never even growled at anyone....even when people were tresspassing in our yard. The kids would also ride their bikes when my dog was tied up and run over his leash and pinning him down on the ground. I am not saying that animals will not attack, but you cannot say all dogs are going to attack someone. That would be like saying since some people are murderers we all are.

I think it is funny that when an animal attacks someone they are killed, but a human can rape, steal, and murder and they still get to live, while innocent people pay for them to live. I say they should be put down.

I do not own attack dogs because they are attack dogs...I own them because they are dogs period. I have also owned dogs that are not attack dogs.

If an animal attacked me I would do whatever it took to get it off of me, or someone else, but it is their natural instinct. They don't know any better. Unlike humans who can make their own choices.


Who cares about the dog. He deserved to die like his owner. Yeah I said it.


The idiot let the dog loose on her,how was it unnessary? It waa like cugo.. I love dogs, but its me or the dog, i pick me.


You represent everything that's wrong with human kind, you think that a dog is more valuable than a human living. You are sick and wrong, the dog was a threat, IT was going to kill her. I'm glad the dog died.
