MovieChat Forums > P2 (2007) Discussion > If i were her, i'd just sit down and enj...

If i were her, i'd just sit down and enjoy the dinner..

If i knew that a psychopath had kidnapped me, the best thing to do was just sit down and act as if i enjoyed being with him. That way i wouldn't get him mad, and he wouldn't feel threatened that i would tell the cops and so he would release me.

In this situations, although i hope they never happen in real life, it's better to just go along with it.


Quick question. Will you still be going along with it? After you see the psychopath kill a helpless man right in front of you.


Well yes, because if i was a skinny girl i would have no chance of fighting back. What would trying to run in a no way out maze do? Being calm is crucial in situations like this.


What would trying to run in a no way out maze do?
Ugh keep you alive.

Being calm is crucial in situations like this.
Staying put while a psycho beats someone to death isn't being calm, its just being stupid. Thomas was a ticking timebomb, if he was gonna beat a man to death just like that. Just imagine what he was gonna do to Angela had she stuck around.


Think most people believe that acting it out and going along with it is the best thing to do but actually being able to do something like that if you're in such a scenario is a different story.

"The cover of this books is so misleading. It never snows like the cover implies that it does."


Psychopaths don't kidnap people for dinner, unless they are eating them. Ridiculous thinking you can weasel your way out with someone who has constructed a plan to enjoy your suffering. And did you even watch the whole thing? At that point he had already had killed a guard, and had another guy prisoner to kill in front of her: obviously she was next


Totally thought this was going to say you'd sit back and enjoy bc he is hot.Lol. Anyways... I get it. Because I always felt the same way about going along. In certain situations , that is.


I would to. But then I deal with psychopath's all the time. The best way to handle them is act like nothing is wrong.


My boyfriend and I were talking about that. If she'd just played along and went with his dinner idea, it probably wouldn't have turned out as bad as it did. Maybe she could have seduced him and knocked him out that way.

"I don't wanna see who you tied up, baby, I wanna see what's under those clothes."


Encouraging him to drink more and more would be a good strategy.

But going along with him, then taking an escape if one presented itself is the best. Running only makes sense if there is something better to run to.


At that point she was freaked out. When your adrenaline is pumping and you're that scared, it's hard to get a handle on things and act rationally. Especially after all of those other event's happened.


No you wouldnt, make them mad or not, they will still turn on you for something in thier sick mind.
