MovieChat Forums > P2 (2007) Discussion > very underrated movie

very underrated movie

this is one of the scariest horror movies i've seen in a long time. its sad that this movie doesnt get the recognition it deserves. who agrees with me?



Though I do believe this movie is underrated, and I do enjoy it a lot, I wouldn't say it's the scariest horror movie mostly because it's a thriller ;)

But yeah, I really think this movie deserves more than it gets. True, it's not the best movie you're ever going to see ever, but I think there are much worse movies that are absolutely adored. I guess it's all a manner of taste, but still it just seems a bit unfair.


it makes me sad seeing this movie have a 5.9 out of 10 on IMDB I honestly think it deserves highly. I think it at least deserves a 7 out of 10.


It's not horror, let alone "scariest horror" (really? you need to see The Grudge or The Strangers lol). This a fun thriller like Panic Room that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

We all live in suspense from day to day; you are the hero of your own story.


totally agree, very good movie and Rachel is fantastic and Bently is not bad.

underrated movie


I totally agree!! Most horror movies nowadays are *beep* horrible! But this one is really REALLY good and very underrated. I was shocked when I noticed it only had a 5.9 rating. It deserves at least a 7.


Yea it's very good, reminds me of good thrillers of the 80's and 90's


I saw in on Netflix Instant, which I believe it is no longer there, and I was blown away with how good it was. I am not really a big fan of the genre, but the story was a lot better than I thought it would be.

I was thinking that it looked low rent at first so I wasn't planning for it to finish as strong as it did. I feel it is worth a look into for the movie goers who enjoy this type of film. High marks all around. Major players work well together.


i did like thomas,es calm collected attitude then when he was violent it got REALLY EXTREME AND BLOODY


This is a good and intelligent thriller. It's not perfect or original, but it’s far from being unwatchable and exploitative garbage.

However, there are many formulaic elements of the slasher genre (e.g. creeping around in the dark, being stalked, being left alone in a deserted place, not being able to start the car, villain sneaking up behind the heroine) and several cringe-inducing, and objectionable scenes featuring sudden eruptions of violence which are needlessly over the top, sickening, and gory. The camera lingers on them for far too long, as if daring the audience to watch. And indeed, there’s one scene where the heroine helplessly bears witness to a senseless carnage. There are unanswered questions and unresolved plot holes; not to mention contrivances done for the convenience of plot. And even though the characters are superficial, the premise is simple (this is essentially a chase picture for most of its running time, albeit there’s a certain crazy realism to it), the situations are improbable and absurd, the film is stylishly directed, frightening, tense, and suspenseful. The film sets up, builds, and pays off its situations and scenes well, which are inventive and intelligent at times.

"...sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.” ~ Cool Hand Luke
