MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > so who is crazier, Lars or the entire to...

so who is crazier, Lars or the entire town ?

Lars bought a doll and talked to her believing she is his girlfriend.

the rest of the town slowly started to, in a way, believe the doll is alive. they cleaned her, hired her, refer to the doll as a 'SHE', they cried for it during the funeral and even buried her.

people are weird...


I'm the craziest, for sitting through this nonsense.

Finally caught it on the Sundance Channel, and all I can say is that critics must have gotten swept up in indie-festival fever when they got hoodwinked by this whimsy indulgence.

Have to admit, I stuck around till the end, hoping at least to catch Paul Schneider shirtless or something, but nah, not even that panned out.


No one is crazy. Lars has a (fairly plausible) problem he's using the doll to work through. Instead of the town condemning him, they help him. Near the beginning, the minister says "Love is God at work", and that is basically what the story is about.

A story doesn't have to be "realistic" to have something worth saying.


No one is crazy.
Instead of the town condemning him, they help him.
Finally someone on this thread actually posts something sensible. Quite amazing the number of people on these boards that just don't seem to get the film at all. If more of them lived in a friendly small town like I do, where people actually interact on a regular basis with one another, I think they probably would.🐭


I agree, things are different in small towns. I live in one. When I go to the post office, or market, bank, whatever, I run into the same people and they all know everything about each other, they may even be related.


The movie wasn't about a nutty guy and a sex doll. It was about the things we do (or should do) for those we love. I think it was one of the more pure Christian movies I've seen 'cause I can't stand the sappy, preachy, hypocritical crap that is marketed as "Christian genre."


This thread cracked me up. It was worth watching just to read these few comments.


This thread cracked me up.

I LOL'd at the thread title, just as I laughed out load at several part of the early and mid movie

~~the coins in the jar are for charity,~~
~~the coins in the tray are for sharing~~


Me for watching this crap fest to the very end.


People support real world delusions all the time. Look up Moustafa Ismael. The guy is a completely loony bin claiming he has the biggest arms in the world, and that he's super strong, when it's painfully clear to everyone it's all synthol, and he's probably weaker than the average guy.Yet he somehow gets global media coverage, appearances in magazines, tv shows, with people actually playing along and supporting his delusion.

"what is your major malfunction numbnuts?!!"
