MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > Films with the same style of comedy?

Films with the same style of comedy?

I adored this film, the style reminds me of Quentin Dupiex. Rubber and Wrong are fantastic films, I've yet to see Wrong Cops (no doubt it's amazing too) I just can't seem to find some movies like this, kind of like Monty Python but quite as stupid (not that I find Monty Python stupid, love it)


I'll recommend "Her" and another movie called "No Clue." I think these sound like your style.


i know this post was made last year but i there is a lifetime movie called "invisible child" starring rita wilson and victor garber and it sort has this feel to it but its a drama so its not meant to be funny, it's pretty old, back in 1999. i haven't seen any of the other movies you mentioned so i think this movie might be interesting for you, tbh i just seen lars and the real girl today lol



The Beaver with Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster.


"Welcome to the Dollhouse", "Spank the Monkey", "Before I Disappear", "Heavy"(1995), and "The Station Agent"(which has an amazing performance from Peter Dinklage) are all movies with a similar tone and comedy that I would recommend to anyone. They are all great slice of life stories about kind of tragic characters trying to belong.


The Voices (2014) and Ruby Sparks I thought were quite similar.



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~~the coins in the tray are for sharing~~
