MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > Mental Health Related Questions

Mental Health Related Questions

So.... my professor played this film and class and I basically fell asleep(long night, lots of studying,etc) I need help with a few questions :

1. Diagnosis: What are some Diagnoses you would consider? What are his symptoms?

2. EtiologyL What are some possible reasons he develops this "disordered" behavior. She mentioned to include his childhood experience.

3. Treatment: Why do you think he gets "better"?

Thank you!

I was born knowing I was special. I could even feel it within people's envy of me.


So you're crowd sourcing your homework assignment? My radical suggestion is to, you know, watch the movie yourself.

Laziest post ever.



Diagnoses: schizophrenia, bipolar

Symptoms: violent outbursts, delusions, no empathy

Reasons for disorder: Sexual abuse as child by late father

Treatment: the doll helps his intimacy problems


Was there ever an indication that Lars was sexually abused as a child? I don't remember that part.


Defiantly not bipolar (no sustained mood changes seen) nor schizophrenic (still very organized thought form/content and maintains social and personal responsibilities)

More a schizotypal personality disorder with cluster A traits.

The doll was a defense mechanism and he used it to cope with stresses to partake in close relationships with people.


What I'd like to know is would a real psychologist advise everyone to go along with the delusion? Any real psychologists out there want to tackle this question?

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


It looks like he has Asperger syndrome. Mixed with aphephobia.

And on top of that, a delusional episode.

I really wanted to know the opinion of a 'pro', don't know if the psychologist was supposed to be that liberal.
