MovieChat Forums > Lars and the Real Girl (2007) Discussion > Why are people so mean to Margo?

Why are people so mean to Margo?

I mean everyone is treating Bianca like a real person, but treating Margo like dirt. I didn't see how anyone would be so mean to Margo, since we was a simple, nice girl and not irritating. She would just say hi to people at work and they would treat her like dirt. And she didn't even have any mental problems!!


No one seemed to have a problem with her, only Lars friend; but to be fair she did keep stealing his action figures. Lars seemed to have a problem with her at the start, however as soon as she started dating that other guy, he got jelious and felling for Margo grew stronger.

Margo was my favourite character out of them all, aminly because Im addicted to Kelli Garner at the moment. :p

Try drinking bleach, its fun?


People aren't so mean to Margo, you're just wrong.


I figured that's because she tried so hard and some found it annoying, especially Lars in the beginning of the movie, because he was as traumatized in the first place. She shows great evolution in patience and I love her character, she's just an ordinary girl that wants to be liked and it's hard as it is.

I have a mind that ticks like a clock and occasionally it goes cuckoo.


She's so ugly. She also acts like a little girl pulling a prank on her older brother by stealing her co-workers action figures.

I think Nicholas Sparks is a terrible author


You just have all kinds of issues. You think "Margo" Kelli Garner is ugly AND you don't like Nicholas Sparks' work?! PSHT. lol.

I think it was to show the dynamic of the women in Lars' life. Bianca was important to him and so people were kind to her. Whereas, Margo wasn't a big factor (until the end), so people didn't have to put up with her or respect her.



That's a good point, scarlet. Don't know.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
