(Spoilers) the lake

I know there have been many thoughts on why they found Lars with Bianca in the water when she died, I saw a few comments like "he ended her suffering by drowning" or "she wanted to feel the water and died in his arms" and "it was a type of baptism" and those are all interesting takes. What I got from it was that maybe he saw her as unresponsive or unconcious again and put her in the cold water to wake her up. (Even though I know she's a doll) did anyone else get that? Just because he called 9-1-1 to "revive" her when she was unresponsive the first time.


I just don't think the circumstances of her "passing" matters at all. The end of her "suffering" just appears to indicate that Lars might be moving on to a better place himself.🐭


The Doctor did say "[the doll will go away] when he doesn't need it anymore".
She's also the one that told everyone to go along with it.


I think it's supposed to be ambiguous. The meaning lies more in the symbolism (i.e., death and rebirth) than in what was literally happening.

TV: http://ihatemydvr.blogspot.com
