Bianca + Everything else

I have to say I didnt expect this movie to be such a bizarre sweet little movie at all. Im sorry I just couldnt find any other way to describe it. But I was totally moved by the towns people on how much of an effort they made to help out Lars. That got to me a little simply because I live in Miami for starters and believe me when I tell you youll be like to find someone to lend a quarter for the bus(luckily I have a car).

But I have to ask because its on my mind, I just saw it last night and was it me, or did Bianca actually start almost feel real after a certain point in the movie? There were certain scenes where it looked like there were minor facial expression changes or what maybe Im a little crazy(keep in mind I know she wasnt real). It just was shocking to me how a doll could do so much doing so little and impacting this movie because how one character really feels towards her.

So yeah anyone else?


I agree and I think that's part of the point : ]

If we weren't meant to feel attached to the doll then there wouldn't have been any point in such a melancholy funeral scene at the end.

I was also curious about whether the doll's face was changing at all throughout the movie because it seemed to me that at least the mouth moved a bit from scene to scene

It's not over, everybody betrayed me! I'm fed up with this world!


Yeah it was Biancas mouth was what got my attention first, before I started thinking that her face was changing.


You're not alone. My husband and I thought she looked like she was actually dying. For us it became apparent during the party scene, when Lars was removing her coat. I had to rewind it a few times because of shadowing, it looked like she had bags under her eyes, and she looked extremely pale. Later on, towards the end, when Lars and Bianca were laying in bed, she looked like she was on her death bed for sure. I'm glad to know we aren't insane.


In the trivia section, they say they used several different masks/faces for Bianca to show her evolution throughout the story.


I kind of got the feeling that was what's up. Her mouth kept looking different to me, and right around the middle of the film it felt kind of noticeable.

Really loved this movie, but didn't laugh as much as I thought I would since it was labeled a comedy. Parts were a little tense, like the party, but it was a very sweet story.
