Whats with the hate?

Its Artistic, great performance and Sublime Cinematography and music. At least for IMDB quality it must have at least 7.7+


I suspect it has a lot to do with current surge in bigotry that Trump has been fanning, combined with the complete legalization of gay marriage forcing those same people to look for an alternative underclass to kick around. I suspect it's the same thing behind the transphobic bathroom bills. Also, there are probably a lot of haters on this board who are just butthurt by the Oscar attention to this movie.


What bigotry has Trump been fanning?


You're kidding, right?




You may be baiting me so I'm not going to get into a discussion about it, so let me just encourage you to search for yourself and sample the public discourse on the subject. A simple search for these terms such as https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+fanning+bigotry or using your favorite search engine will turn up as many examples as you care to read.


Do you have any examples that you personally can provide? I'm just looking for a simple because he said X and proposed Y.


Aren't they obvious? His proposals to ban on all Muslims entering the country, deport all undocumented aliens, punish women who get abortions, etc. Again, not looking to discuss any of this. Those are my examples. Go look up their discussions if you care to learn more.


Aren't they obvious? His proposals to ban on all Muslims entering the country

The Muslim ban was temporary. And it wasn't out of bigotry. There is a very real problem with Muslims and their faith contrasted with the principles that western democracies are founded on. Europe is burning to the ground this very moment on account of this non-bigotry.

deport all undocumented aliens

How is this bigotry? They are undocumented, and illegal. To suggest that people living in your country illegally should be deported is bigotry? How? In what sense? If someone trespasses onto your property, is it bigotry to get them off? Other countries deport illegal immigrants too. mexico included. Is that considered bigotry as well?

punish women who get abortions, etc.

That's fair.

Again, not looking to discuss any of this. Those are my examples. Go look up their discussions if you care to learn more.

But they aren't examples of bigotry. Other than the abortion issue, you have not mentioned anything that resembles bigotry.


Defending legal abortions is bigotry against the unborn children.


If they were made illegal, how would you punish women who get them?


Abortions are murders of babies in the womb. The punishment should be similar to how a woman would be punished for murdering her newborn.


That sounds incredibly harsh and insensitive. I doubt you will find much support for such punishment even within the pro-life movement.


Well, I'm open to hearing the counter-arguments as to why the punishment should be different.


I don't believe you because it appears that all you do on these boards is pick fights. If I'm wrong, then try to put yourself into the mind of a woman whose life is about to be ruined by an unplanned pregnancy. I'm not willing to play your game.


If you're not willing to offer your arguments, I'm fine with that.


What on earth did I just read. I'm sorry, I thought I was on The Danish Girl board but I must have lost my way.


I'm just looking for a simple because he said X and proposed Y.
You have to be intelligent enough to see the bigotry in that. I mean...you can read and write very well. You must be able to see it.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


What bigotry has Trump been fanning?

Th list would probably be shorter if yo asked what bigotry and hatred he hasn't been fanning.


Two words. The first is ignorance. The second, pretty much due, in part, to the first, is bigotry.

Time wounds all heels.


Its Artistic, great performance and Sublime Cinematography and music.

^^^I Agree.  


I didn't HATE it, but I really think it could have been told better...

To me, it was more Gerda's story than Lili's... The audience is with Gerda every step of the way from when she first encounters Lili as a genuine identity... but we never see Lili find herself, as a child; we're just told about it, and given the explanation that she was 'always there'...

I'm sure that's true, but if so, we needed to see it from the beginning - not have our first introduction be a crass 'dressing up' episode with stockings that the character has to embarrassingly retcon later, with a single line of dialogue. It just gives more fuel to the illusion that it's the outside appearance that matters, not the feelings inside... Since it's the first impression we're given, the lie stays imprinted on our minds, despite the denial later.

It's GERDA that suggests the stockings, and GERDA that suggests Lili come to the reception, when she first kisses Henrik... We see both of these things, but we don't see Lili first experience life on her OWN terms. That makes everything that subsequently happens to her feel instigated by other people - even if this was actually untrue, and not what the film wished to depict.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I think it takes time to get into- I was hating it at the beginning but by the end (even though I was annoyed by the characters) I enjoyed the movie.
