MovieChat Forums > She's Out of My League (2010) Discussion > meantime, at the end of the say molly ad...

meantime, at the end of the say molly admits... (spoilers)

she got into the relationship not being attracted to kirk but looking for someone safe, aka not attractive. that's not a good basis for a relationship.


If that REMAINS the basis then you would be correct. She obviously saw something in him beyond 'safety' and their relationship developed.


" She obviously saw something in him beyond 'safety' and their relationship developed" of course. but that is a tough hurdle for a "5" to accept. An issue that needed to be addressed as they did at the end of the movie.


But why is being with someone for safety such a bad thing?...Honestly, think about it. It's really not that bad. She wanted to be with him because she knew he was a good guy that wouldn't hurt her like all the other guys in her past. She eventually fell in love with him and they worked out their differences. I don't see how she's to blame :p


I've just never seen a relationship work that was based on "safe". Look, if she was inspired by his wit or sense of humor, his shoe size, anything, I'd say its got a chance. Her initial attraction was solely based on "he's safe" no attraction what-so-ever. That's a rebound move, not real. I've seen it so many times.


I get what you mean but physical attraction can happen later on if it's not initial. There's been plenty of guys that I didn't find attractive at first but then when I got to know them and they had a great sense of humor, they all of a sudden became attractive to me. Yes, looks are important to an extent but it still can work out if the attraction comes later on. That's what I think happened in her case.


"I didn't find attractive at first but then when I got to know them..." ahhh, that's different. You were weren't attracted to these men BECAUSE they were safe. You weren't attracted at all, then you grew to be attracted. That's fine and can work, does all the time. That's not what happened in this movie. She wanted to date him because he was safe, and was specifically NOT attractive.


She did? When did she say in the movie that she didn't find him attractive? I don't remember that part.


I don't remember her ever saying he wasn't attractive, and when she was ready to give it up, she had a look of lust on her face and not one of, "Well, if I don't put out I'll lose him even though he's not all that much to look at."


at the end in the airport terminal. she went on about how initially she thought he was safe.


Yeah but I don't think she ever says in the movie that she didn't find him attractive. She's too nice to say that lol


trust me. when you a guy the last thing you want to here is that your SO thinks your safe.


So then she never did say that she didn't find him attractive.

