MovieChat Forums > She's Out of My League (2010) Discussion > About the hotness ratings And the 'plot ...

About the hotness ratings And the 'plot errors'

First, I would like to talk about the "plot errors" that some people pointed out about a 5 guy dating a 10 girl being impossible, and pardon me, but i'm a very bad looking guy (I was already referred as a 3, obvious not to my face), and I only feel atracted to hot girls (like 8-10). It's true that I hadn't a lot of gfs in life (i'm 18, and only had two) but both were discribed as 8-10, so it's possible, and it happens quite a lot, since i only have one friend considered a 10, and he dates less hot girls than my friend who is a solid 6.

Second, the girl who is supposed to be a 10, imho it's a 6-8, nothing special on her. And the guy who is supposed to be a 5, ha ha please! if he is a 5 i'm a -15. The guy isn't muscular, or have six pack, but other than his insecurity he would attract some girls, he's funny, tall and quite handsome. for me it's a 7

Sorry any grammar mistake fellas, english is my third language


You have folks that can't break the mentality shown in the movie. There are guys and gals out there that think they are all that. They have the view you are not hot enough, make enough money, aren't a good status trophy, etc..... The other cultural item is a majority of women emphasis their physical imperfections. I have met and dated many an attractive woman outside and in and they honestly believe they are not attractive. Guys are usually the opposite and believe they are attractive and have great personalities.

The more people that caught up in that, especially guys, it makes it easier for me to date some great women.
