
I wish I had friends like him (Kirk). The older I get, I'm noticing that my friends are really boring and they no longer invest in each others lives.

Can anyone else relate?


Not so much. The problem I have with my friends is that while we don't live hours away from each other, we don't live close enough to do stuff on a whim. And, about half of us have children in school, and the other half either have no children or their children are in HS or college.

But my friends are all pretty invested in each other.


If you don't mind me asking... how old are you?




Ah, that makes sense. I'm in my early 20's and it seems like all of my friends are in different walks of life at this point. I'm sure it will all straighten out, but it's definitely not the best feeling.


Aristotle had points about friends - ones of convenience, ones that were just passing, ones where one side benefited more than the other, and the lasting ones.

I found that between 18 and 30 is when you really figured out who was just a passing friend and who was going to be around regardless of anything else.
