MovieChat Forums > She's Out of My League (2010) Discussion > Share your story if you married out of y...

Share your story if you married out of your league

I'm actually uglier than Kirk and I married a Mexican woman as hot as Molly. We've been together 15 years. But I never had self-esteem issues. I knew I had a lot to offer the right woman, I just had to find a woman who, rather than being attracted to money, bleached teeth and chiseled abs, was attracted to a guy who could make her laugh, who would treat her like a queen, who she could have fun with, whose families were compatible etc. and we were (like Forrest Gump says) just like peas and carrots.

I never worried about losing her because she treated me like she loved me, constantly, and I knew I was treating her like a treasure that I never wanted to lose (because I didn't!).

I remember the first time a hot girl was attracted to me. Like the Kirk character, I didn't see it coming and it caught me totally off guard. Like the Kirk character, I felt like it would be the only chance I'd ever have in my entire life to date a girl above a 7. But unlike my wife and like the Molly character, *that* girl was a ***ing ***ch. She was hot and she knew it, and she repeatedly reminded me that she could replace me in 2 seconds. 2 weeks of that was all I could take and I kicked her right to the curb. It actually bruised her ego - who the hell are *you* to dump *me* blah blah blah, actually reminding me you'll never have anyone as hot as me again. I missed her body don't get me wrong but the whole time I was with her I missed my testicles hahahaha.

The point, other than just sharing my story, is I'm willing to cut Kirk's character a little bit of slack. Given the story of his life it's understandable that he might question his own self-esteem, and he was totally blindsided by Molly - it happened so suddenly and so fast he didn't have time to mentally reconcile what was going on.
