Ron Perlman Sucked

Anyone agree? Hell, the young Conan put in a better performance. I like Perlman but he looked totally disinterested and bored, sleep walking through the role. He put in a better performance in the Uwe Boll schlock Dungeon Siege, at least that was more energetic. When a good actor inexplicably puts out bad a performance it' usually because of a weak director.


In the face of what he was given, his performance was actually astounding... He did indeed seem bored and only going through the motions, but it doesn't matter who you are - You cannot polish a turd.


In the face of what he was given, his performance was actually astounding... You cannot polish a turd.
I agree. His performance was on a par with most of the others. Even the great Morgan Freeman's narration sounded a little off-kilter.


- You cannot polish a turd.

Actually, they were able to do so on Mythbusters. In face, Adam Savage got quite a shine on his. lol

I have to say that IMO any movie with Ron Pearlman and/or Rose McGowan is going to be a weak film. I have not like the vast majority of the films they have been in.

"Kiss my Converse!" -Sho'nuff: The Shogun of Harlem.


I have to say that IMO any movie with Ron Pearlman and/or Rose McGowan is going to be a weak film.

Rose, perhaps... But I will watch any film with Ron Perlman in. He's one of those on my list of Will Watch actors, regardless of how crap the film looks (even if it's the only time I watch it) because their performances are usually worthwhile.
This was one exception to that rule, unfortunately...


Agreed. The most disinterested performance i've seen from him aside from his last season on Sons of Anarchy.

He's a great actor, but when he doesn't give a crap you can totally read it in his performance.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


Ron Perlman was a last minute replacement for Micky Rourke as Conan's father, who physically would have been a much better choice. Perlman seemed to have just phoned in his performance in this...


Congratulations you've played yourself


I like Ron in everything he does. Just an A list actor as far as I'm concerned, and the Hollywood directors and producers love him. Hardest working man in Hollywood.


Yeah, they should have casted Perlman as the villain instead. Maybe that would hav made things interesting?


I thought he carried the entire first act. He was phenomenal. Wtf do u want him to do w that role..jumping jacks? You're critique of acting is in your ass
