MovieChat Forums > Conan the Barbarian (2011) Discussion > I really enjoyed the first act...

I really enjoyed the first act...

even with the kid playing young conan as weak and hammy. but then when conan grew up and the first desert fight scene where conan and artus free the slaves.....from the moment that conan yells "AAAAAAHHHHH FIGHT!" the movie goes downhill from there with the exception of stephen lang, the visuals and occasional cool moments here and there. There was something about the feel of this film that I liked. The brutal epic fantasy world...but the script and some of the choices made in the production were very disappointing. I think Marcus Nispel is talented, but I want to see him get a project like this with a solid script.


I agree, what disappointed me the most about this crapfest is that it actually started pretty well, I was intrigued for 20 minutes and had hopes it would not suck.

As soon as Ron Pearlman is dead and we see adult Conan the movie is ruined, and not because of Jason Momoa but because the director turned what should have been a movie into a mediocre series or video-game levels. Unwatchable crap, this is not a movie. 2/10


I sadly agree with you. The beguining is interesting, the rest of the film is more or less unwatchable.



I didn't even know this movie existed and just happened to start watching it from the beginning and once I saw Perlman I figured it's gotta be good, and actually was pretty good till he died. Then it got kinda lame. Lots of boobs helped
