khalar Zym and daughter

Just watching the film and there are two scenes that seem to imply a incestuous relationship. Did anyone else see this possiblity? If I have read this right it seems to fit in with their corruption. Anyone?


I didn't notice through all of the terrible film.


There were several scenes that had different messages.

The first scene the father seems to rebuke the daughter saying 'you are not my wife' or similar.

The second scene is where the daughter sucks her father's finger in what can only be described as a suggestive manner.

The third scene is where the father is woken in the bed by the arrival of one his minions from a catapult. The daughter appears to be sharing his bed.

I'm not sure of the sequence of the last two mentioned scenes.


It's pretty heavily implied, yeah, particularly in the scene where she's kneeling before him; the innuendo is especially thick there. I got the impression it was something she was pushing more than him, though his resistance seemed only mild, all things considered.


They made the character Marique have an Electra Complex. Electra Complex is when the daughter turns to the father as an object of love and becomes hostile to her mother as her rival. I definetly saw that going on between the two let me say one word: CREEPY.

I live, I love, I slay and I am content


That's exactly it, in the kneeling and thumb sucking scene she's pretty much saying 'hey, why are we wasting all this time and effort on raising mother from the dead when I'm here and have all these awesome powers and can make you a god instead?' *subtext heavily on the I can be what she was to you in other ways too* and his reaction is to consider it for a moment then push her away saying 'you're not as powerful and/or hot as my wife was, how dare you even suggest you could be her equal'. It seems if she was more powerful/hot then he'd totally have gone for that.


Don't understand why these warlords who conquer kingdom after kingdom don't employ more evil spell-casters, men and women. Really - you'd think they'd have a whole school of these types being schooled in Dark Arts so you could bring a dozen of them to every Demon-raising event and not have it ruined by your one magic user being impaled.

Seriously, the daughter should have had a whole evil clique to trade gossip with.


Warlords in these flicks, especially the intelligent ones like Zym who aren't just brutes, don't employ more magic users for several related reasons, IMO.

1. They don't like the idea of anyone potentially having more power than them.

2. They know that the loyalty of said magic users is generally flexible.

3. The big one - they don't want to provide their magic users with much in the way of society/social grouping outside of
themselves. It would be a phenomenally bad thing if the magic users started to realize that they had more in common
with each other than with their boss and were therefore more natural allies of each other than of him.
Backstabbing/feuds/personality clashes among a cadre of mages could be equally devastating.
