mask powers


watched this recently.

I didn't understand the point of the mask. Supposedly the bad guy is this "shadow lord" who has a big following... okay, fantasy movie

And there's a mask made from the bones of kings that gives the wearer powers when you feed it magical blood... disbelief still suspended

So, basically, after the prologue, you can predict that at the end the bad guy is gonna put all the pieces together and have super powers, right?

Well, when he DOES put it all together, it seems like he doesn't really have any powers. That's what I didn't get about this movie; the mask kind of comes to life and bonds to the dude's head (which was sort of cool), but it seems like it doesn't really do anything for him. I thought he should have been able to shoot lazers or summon zombies to attack Conan, but instead they just fight like before, except the bad guy is wearing a stupid white costume instead of the gothic gear he had on earlier. He didn't really seem to command any fantastic powers imo. If I was a member of the necromancer cult, I would be very disappointed.


Yea I thought the same thing. The intro said the mask lets you resurrect the spirits of the dead. Lang's character said that when his wife was resurrected SHE would turn him into a god. Not the mask itself. So I guess the mask only lets you bring people back from the grave but apparently you need a host body for the spirit. And since the host has to be of "pureblood" he'd only be able to resurrect one person. So yea, pretty lame artifact and an obvious weak film script.

But I still thought the movie was pretty entertaining. Not great but not terrible.


They just ran out of the money by that point.

I own you.


I read somewhere that in order for the mask to work fully, the 'pureblood' would have to be sacrificed. Since she wasn't, I guess that's why nothing particular happened when he put it on.


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