MovieChat Forums > Interstellar (2014) Discussion > science verses fiction babble talk vs re...

science verses fiction babble talk vs real

This is a fictional movie - of course - I don't expect all the science to be real. Sounding real is cool, and fine too.

I know much of it was based "around" REAL science, probably bent a lot also....

My question is, what do you science thinky types think about the part where they would be able to "solve gravity" based on "data" from some singularity inside a black hole?

My limited study and knowledge tells me that made zero sense - but works fine as fiction to make the movie work, I get that - because I don't see what they would learn from lots of gravity data happening inside a black hole. How would that info, in any sciencey way, help them create anti gravity or whatever magical science hub-bub the professor wanted to invent to get large ships and amounts of people off Earth?

There may be no rational explanation for this part of the fiction, but I would love to hear some people try.


Did you ever just think it was a good movie? I do.


oh yes! 100 percent absolutly. and Like I said, I didn't expect the science to all be perfect, it is fiction.

just wondering if anyone else had thoughts surrounding the main plot point of PLAN A


Murphy. Love. Amazeballs!!


I've read a few articles about this movie, and that was something that held up. They don't know what happens past the event horizon, and it conflicts with what they know about physics. It was stated that they wouldn't know until they could actually breach a black hole.


I'm not sure if knowing what happens inside a black hole would tell them anything. since they don't really KNOW, it's 50/50 if it would be helpful at all or not. It might be, or might not be. it's like they claimed "knowing we have no idea what it is REALLY like in there beyond speculation, will 100% give us the info we need to invert gravity". Quite a stretch.

They don't know what they don't know. It MIGHT help. May just be some vacuum into nothingness beyond our comprehension.

I still love the movie, and glad they found their magic equations and all, just wondering on anything currently known.
