MovieChat Forums > The Girl Next Door (2008) Discussion > you americans are *beep* up

you americans are *beep* up

mmm... i mean its not like anywhere else dont have horrible crimes like this but you have to accept guys that the US has the most *beep* up crimes in history, in it majority caused by caucasian people (serial killers, crazy ass girls, high school massacres, pretty *beep* up *beep* for an instance, is not unusual for me to find out in the news that some crazy ass white girl killed her son or daughter because she was depressed or some stupid *beep* like that, i dont think that people are born *beep* up (or i dont know if you guys have it on the genes haha), instead, i think that the us culture its pretty repressed and very influenced by violence its the only way i could imagine some crazy ass *beep* like this happens, i know that a lot of angry people might reply to this message telling me to go to hell or that my mother should go throw herself from a precipice or something like that, im just throwing that out there.....
mr. crappynick
greetings from mexico

pd. yeah i know our water sucks
have a good one


Watch "Borderland", a movie about YOUR benighted country (which is a true story, BTW), then get back to us.


Sorry to break it to you, but the human race is one screwed up piece of work and it matters not from which corner you crept out of or what rock you crawled out from under.

Truth is, people commit all kinds of nastiness, it's happening right now at this very moment, somewhere on the planet so being american, mexican/hispanic, european, asian, etc., is a pointless argument and just ends up making those who say stuff like that look like straight up trolls. And sounding like you're not a very educated one with 150 *beep* *beep* *beep* in that post ...I mean, can you not think of real words to use?

Go watch Konkurito, another horrible story about a young woman being tortured to death, based on a very true story that happened, omg, in Japan.

As a species, if we can't get beyond this urge to hate and destroy, there really isn't much hope for us. Oh, and that would be ALL of us...


I really can't stand people who are intolerant of people's cultures. They act like that their culture is perfect and pure, but far from it. Everyone is disturbed in some way or another, putting it all on one culture in unintelligent and ignorant.

"Hear me now! This place is cursed, damned, and yes your master is the devil!"



I've never seen more run-on sentences in any thread before.


You guys rape, torture, and kill every day at will....



some pretty horrible cases like this have happened in tokyo and canada.

I've read all sorts of cases that are just atrocious from all around the world.

It needs to stop. We need to put a stop to it.


The Middle East, Africa and India have horrific crimes too, though 2/3rds of those are Caucasoid as well.


The human race has been messed up since the first murder. A brother murdered his brother. FYI it was not in America. It happened at the beginning of time.

Read Genesis 4:1–16
