Who's crazier?

Tony or Cook? Lol


They're completely different IMO so it's a bit hard to say lol. Cook's upbringing was obviously a lot rougher than Tony's. He grew up with an alcoholic mother and an absent father. He was visibly broken and quite honestly believed himself to be nothing at times, and I think he acted out because of all of that.

Tony's parents were dysfunctional, but they were present. While Cook was more physical in his antics, Tony worked with his mind. He played mind games and manipulated his own friends. While Cook was possibly self-loathing, Tony had a noticeable ego almost constantly.

I'd have to re-watch both of their episodes before I could give you a definite answer, but I'm leaning towards Tony.


Tony wasn't crazy, he was just extremely intelligent and egocentric to the point where he thought the people around him were play things.

Cook was a violent psychopath.


When you think of the classic things one would associate with "psychopathy" (or antisocial personality disorder)...well, Tony Stonem before his accident is a prime example of one who is intelligent.

- Lack of empathy (check)
- Manipulative (check)
- Deceptive (check)
- Superficially charming (check)
- Self serving (check)
- No regard for those around them (almost always a check)

Cook on the other hand is the run-of-the-mill thug, with a whole lot of anger issues which (as you said) has it's roots in childhood. As a person though, he's pretty straight forward.

He may be violent at times, but he doesn't even come close to being a "psychopath".


Disagree - Tony was the psychopath, Cook had anger issues but at least he wore his heart on his sleeve.

Go do your homework, some of the most intelligent and successful people in the world are psychopaths or sociopaths.
